Why tendies on youtube and twitter keep pretending that switch won this generation and is the best console of all time...

why tendies on youtube and twitter keep pretending that switch won this generation and is the best console of all time when it didn't outsell PS4 or any of the 7th gen consoles?
in fact, selling less PS3/X360/Wii means it's shit considering these are widely considered to be the weakest gen consoles

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>2013 vs 2017

whatever happened to "fastest selling console of all time"? eh?


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i mean statistically yes it is
dunno why you're seething like this man

>less sales than fucking PSP
zero IQ

why is a handheld compared to a home console?

switch is a home console

>Still can't comprehend time frames
Sub-zero IQ.

holy shit lmao you actually are fucking seething
I'm an idort
Snoys really are fucking retarded

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