>Imagine being so bad at console design you need to build a special adjustable stand to keep your console stable not just vertically, but horizontally as well
>Imagine being so bad at console design you need to make a fuckhuge console with a heatpipe bigger than a launch PS2 just to cool as efficiently as a vapor chamber
>Imagine being so bad at console design you force air from the top of the console down into the hot parts, fighting against natural thermodynamics
>Imagine being so bad at console design you need to spend two years testing a meme liquid metal cooling solution to reduce temps by a "couple degrees"
>Imagine being so bad at console design that removing the plastic siding on the console damages the plastic shell underneath
Why do people want this again? If you want to play PS3 games just play the PS3.
Fucking why
Because normalfags are a heard that is incredibly easy to prey on.
>imagine constant shilling for shit devices
Oh wait, I don't have to imagine that.
Consoles are trash. All of them. Stop making threads about this.
Does the PS5 have ANYTHING going for it at this point? The sexbox seems to be winning by every possible metric.
That's what it has going for it.
Well it has some games unlike the hexbox
>2% idorts
it's still gonna outsell the series x 3:1
nobody actually wants a PS5. It's just marketers here shilling for it
Pcs are trash, bro. You seriously still play on one in 2020? Lmao fucking poorfags.
sales don't mean shit
Being part of the losing majority doesn't mean you're winning. Playstation will probably always sell more because of easy recognition and also a god tier name marketing wise.
Imagine being so obsees with a company that they live rent free in your head. Oh wait, thanks to OP, I don't have to imagine
>okay they're winning but it doesn't count because...
yet playstation keeps having among the best rated exclusives, the hardcore gamer shill for playstation and the normies know that way it's the best console and they buy it.
Those philosophical tranny slice of life walking simulators with political messages really are a console seller.
But why buy it? You're not winning, Sony is.
>complain about shilling for consoles
>lowkey shilling for pc
They actually are. The quality of exclusives never mattered, the marketing did, which is how Sony got away with their dreadful western exclusives since PSX, or MS with Halo or Nintendo with Splatoon. It doesn't matter that they're shit, only that outsiders see console warriors and bought out bloggers eat shit and ask for seconds, the subhumans who buy consoles won't develop any opinions of their own.
They sell just enough to keep the lights on
blind fanboys will eat anything
They don't exist to sell, they exist to sell the brand. Sony doesn't care that you'll never buy underage transitioning quest, they care that you considered only them having underage transitioning quest as a positive while choosing a console.
mmmmmmmmmmm booba
yes, she has boobs user. We see that.
you didn't answer the question user
This is what living in a two-party political system does to your mind.
I am happy when Sony is winning. I would gladly consoom their products rather than buy inferior, american designed consoles. Same goes for PC that needs at least 3x the price just to cope for the ps5's performance, which also makes it an inferior option. With Nintendo, it's just a console for kids and autists so I don't care about them
Not all of them.
> If you want to play PS3 games just play them on PC.
sexbox will never have exclusives since everything will be on PC, regardless of how you feel about Sony exclusives they will have more than Xbox
idiot ps5 was designed by americans
Then why does it have x3 more preorders than Xbox?