With the rerelease of the first Fire Emblem game, I wanna get into the series proper. Where should I start/stop?

With the rerelease of the first Fire Emblem game, I wanna get into the series proper. Where should I start/stop?

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FE7 is usually the "baby's first FE" of choice since it was the first game released outside of Japan. The writing is pretty bad and it has some pretty shit maps but for a first time, blind playthrough it should be fairly enjoyable. Path of Radiance on the gamecube is also worth looking into, fairly easy starting point to get going off of.

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Dont start with any 3DS game or three houses
Awakening and Fates arent very good unless you like dating sims and Echoes will probably be too hard
Three houses is the most different of the entire series and is not indicative of the series, even Fates is arguably closer to older FE games than 3H
Play 7 8 or 9
If you want the most classic experience possible play 3
Ignore anyone who tells you to play a 3DS game because they're retarded 3DS babies who have literally never played anything made before Awakening and think that Echoes is too "outdated" and "hard" for their baby weebo brains

Play the games
FE (gba)
FE SS (gba)
FE POR (gc)
FE RD (wii)
FE A (3ds)
FE F (3ds)
FE SOV (3ds)
FE TH (switch)
Skip the stupid rom of FE1. You can skip the DS remake it's not that great.
Btw, play AW, AW2, AWDS and Days of Ruin.
After that play FE4 and rest forever.

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Like the other user said, FE7 is a common starting point with Awakening being another. Neither are bad choices.

Asking what games in the series is or isn't worth playing is really a fool's errand since you're gonna end up getting 100 different responses from 100 different people. All I would recommend is that you take a look around the internet and see which games catch your eye and which ones don't, each game in the series is quite a bit different than the last so what you like in the franchise will vary.

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Don't listen to this retard.
Echoes suffers from being faithful to original source material.

Play Three Houses and pick the Blue Lions for the most kino story in FE history

the one with your favorite smash character

Conquest has the best gameplay in the series though retard, it being absolute shit in terms of plot and characters doesn't undermine that fact.

Gonna be honest with you bro, I've played every games in the series and had fun with all of them.

FE6. It'll be hard, but if you can handle that, you can handle anything. FE7 is meant to be played after FE6 for plot-reasons.

You can skip dating sims elements pretty quickly in Awakening and Fates.
Play what you want, user.

Sacred Stones is a good place to go if you aren't up for FE7
It's rather friendly to new players with its world map granting ways to increase xp for your characters

Nice youtube opinion, Conquest (and the other 2) is full of gimmick trash, play a game made before awakening and you'll realize how broken and full of gimmicks Fates really is

*clears throat*
Echoes is literally the worst game in the franchise.
Thank you.

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Shadows of Valentia is my favourite

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gba games->ike games->ds games->snes games and stop

Start with FE7: The blazing sword or FE8: The sacred stones, the later it's really friendly and easy to get into.
All of them have independent stories but there are a few relations, for example:
FE:Thracia happens in the middle of a FE: The holy war chapter.
FE6: The sealed sword is a sequel of FE7.
Avoid Awakening and Fates from 3ds, Echoes is a remake of FE2.

Here you go OP.
They both suck. Kill yourself.

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Play everything except the fansub ones (NES, SNES and DS)

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>FE6: The sealed sword is a sequel of FE7.
But 6 is meant to be played before 7.



don’t play gaiden or echoes they suck donkey balls

Play Awakening onwards, all the games before that are weird trash and don't have any good waifus

This may be the worst thing I've ever seen, congrats

Stop right now, save your time

Listen, I'm a huge FEfag who loves the series as a whole, but telling people that Awakening isn't a good starting point is dumb as fuck. It was literally the game that saved the series because it was so accessible and was a good starting point for people.

I'd recommend starting with FE7 (just Fire Emblem in NA) on the GBA as that's where most Western fans started.
Path of Radiance is the first 3D game on the Gamecube, and has a really good campaign.
Awakening is a decent starting point as well, with simpler maps and some broken mechanics, but it more modern in general than the others.

As for stopping, if people tell you to skip Fates, you should ignore them and at least try Conquest. The story and characters suck ass in these games, but Conquest has the best maps and therefore gameplay in the series. I would not recommend it as a first game though.

Don't listen to all these days. Play them in order starting with FE3 on the SNES. They get progressively more user friendly and going back to the early games can be really off putting sometimes.

Any that's not a direct sequel (Thracia, Radiant Dawn, remake of 3 that doesn't have the abridged recap of 1).
>but which one specifically
Any that interests you, damn.

The only time I ever see people say SoV is their favorite even they admit the gameplay is shit and they just enjoy the plot and presentation.
>trying to tell someone they have bad taste
LOL , go enjoy soloing the game with Seth for the millionth time retard.

It literally doesn't matter. They're all self-contained. Don't listen to the autistic boomers.

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Yeah just start with Radiant Dawn, dude!

>Conquest has the best maps and therefore gameplay in the series.
I was following along until here. Most people would not agree with you conquestfag. Personally the maps in conquest are gimmicky and the gameplay feels more like playing a spreadsheet power-fantasy

No they're not

I liked the gameplay. I wasn't mindblowing or anything but I derived enjoyment from it.

Funny enough, beating RD as your first game isn't really bad.
You're told about PoR events as refresher and you don't need really any knowledge from PoR to play RD.

FE7, FE9 and FE13 are the main recommendations. FE8 is also an easy place to start but FE7 and FE9 are better at gearing you up (somewhat) for the rest of the series

Also if you play FE9 play it on hard, the jump up from the other difficulties is minimal and if you play it on normal/easy you get locked out a few unique things that happen on hard mode

Start with FF7 and FF6 right after. After that, it's up to you.

Play Conquest, and ONLY Conquest. Also mash the start button in between maps.

Start with FE6, it's a very good entry point, being both challenging yet simple.

FE7 (GBA) and FE9 (GC) are the best places to start

FE7 is kinda of a shit game but it does an amazing tutorial to start up the series
FE9 is easy enough to start with but the gameplay is a bit slow. I'd recommend this one if you want a solid game and don't mind long enemy turns

As for the other best places to start, you have 6, 8, 11, conquest and 3 houses.
6 and 8 are both on GBA but 6 is a bit bullshit and 8 is stupidly easy and overal an underwhelimg experience. FE11 (NDS) is a remake of the first game but the game looks really bad and the mechanics are really simple, possibly giving you a first bad impression of the franchise. Conquest (3DS) is one of the paths in Fire emblem fates and is by far the best one in gameplay quality, expect a god awful story. 3 houses is the most recent game and it's actually very different compared to other games, but still good enough to give you some kind of interest in the franchise

As for the worst places to start, you have 1, 2, 5, 10 and revelations

1 and 2 have good remakes and are too old
5 requires you to play 4 first to enjoy it more and 10 is a direct sequel to 9.

tl;dr; play 9 on an emulator with speedup


"Gimmicks" to make the objectives varied and each map you have to actually think about a strategy.
I don't know how you compare that to a spreadsheet power fantasy when the followup game was Three Houses that has nothing but simple Rout maps and about 5 extra maps in total that all bonus missions are run on. Games like Three Houses and Awakening are literally just "my numbers go up and I kill things" rather than having to play around environmental hazards and having different map objectives.

Fire Emblem fucking sucks. It's outdated and unbalanced as hell, plus it looks like shit and has a terrible story.