>video game writing
Why is it so universally bad? Even the best written video games are absolute trash when compared to film and literature. I’m seriously convinced nerds who play games are fucking illiterate retards
>video game writing
Why is it so universally bad? Even the best written video games are absolute trash when compared to film and literature. I’m seriously convinced nerds who play games are fucking illiterate retards
Play more video games with good writing. They exist
because game devs are not writers
next thread
Because your standards for "good writing" were formed in the era before video games could even have a significant amount of text.
Sorry I don’t play video games as I’m a successful grown man who is married and has consensual sex regularly and an IQ about 95.
I’m sure to you, some loser who stocks shelves at K Mart, something like Uncharted or Metal Gear Solid is super deep but then again, you don’t read books so how would you know?
>when compared to film and literature
Except the vast majority of books and films are poorly written trash, also.
Those mediums have had far longer to establish themselves as artistic mediums than video games have, plus are focused primarily on story telling (yes, arguably not, but essentially) as opposed to video games, with a greater focus on gameplay and enjoyment with story being arguably the least important aspect.
However, I maintain that games like Deus Ex and Metal Gear Solid have better stories than the vast majority of books and films, even if the greatest stories of all time are, most certainly, in books and literature.
>iq of 95
back to the zoo with you, monkey-brain.
>video games have bad writing
>because video games have bad writing
what an argument from the frogposter
>I don’t play video games
> posts on video game board
with an IQ of 95 that makes sense
I prefer video games for writing.
t. /lit/fag
please read guenon btw
we all have our hobbies
what's yours?
that's because you never played planescape torment or mask of the betrayer, you simpleton
>fantasy genre fiction based literary on Dungeons and Dragons that has the quality of writing as dime store garbage is somehow an achievement in fiction
Yeah I’m thinking gamers are fucking water heads
Was supposed to say “IQ above 95”. I’m literally more intelligent than every single gamer simply by virtue of not being one.
>not a gamer
>frequents Zig Forums
>vidya based in japan
>nips can't write story
>good aesthetics
>bad writing
>vidya begin production outside japan
>copy japan models
>including writing
>bad writing now standard
Yep most gamers are tasteless retards
unironically completely agree
the closest is probably mgs2, but the great themes dont make up for generally silly dialogue and plot points
i get that games are just games, a lot of the cheesy stuff is charming and sometimes makes a game genuinely more fun.
but people hail a game for being amazingly written, and it just feels like dumb college students came up with the plot in an afternoon
Because they’re interactive and generally much longer than movies, some even have more dialogue than long form tv series. Tbh most games’ stories fit quality wise with tv shows, you just stick with characters and are more invested despite contrivances because you are affecting the game world to one degree or another.
Also OP is a fag and is just shit posting with his 96 iq
>jap game
>long winded pseudo poetic statements that seem beautiful but actually mean nothing
shits like
"where were you last night, we were all looking for you?"
"i stayed home. i was left with myself as i stayed in one place because the flow known as "ruby" has visited me, like a cricket leaping i fall as yet another season reaches harmony." et cetera et cetera holy crap
the actual quality of the writing is no doubt worse than those mediums, but there are strengths unique to video games that can't be found elsewhere, namely interactivity
also, story can be told in video games in a way that you can't with other mediums, in the sense that you're not watching or reading about it, you're actively engaged in it and progressing it, and can actually affect the story itself through your input
>Even the best written video games are absolute trash when compared to film and literature
Except no. The vast majority of highly rated movies are trash. Uncharted has better writing than any action movie in recent time.
Games shouldn't be like movies or books. They're games. Despite what the visual aspect of games would lead you to believe, games are actually more closely related to music as an artform, except combining "listening" and "performing" in an ensemble at the same time. The best-written (designed, narratively) games convey a theme through gameplay, not prose or dialogue or le epic every frame a painting mise en reddit. You are given visual feedback, but the visuals operate only as cues for the gameplay constituting the meaning, not the meaning itself - nobody thinks graphics are gameplay, so why do people think graphics are meaning? In visual art itself this holds, but in VIDEO GAMES, this does not hold. The actual substance is both kinetic and abstract, a working cognitive model. See: Shadow of the Colossus, Katamari Damacy, etc.
>still a frog poster
I'm also not reading your shit bait thread you 30 yo bitch.
Because the unique aspect of audience participation alters the pacing of the story and gives a certain amount of agency to the player that potentially reduces the impact of the story beats. The nature of vidya also makes it more akin to toys or sports by their interactive nature rather than books or movies. It's why people praise the original Doom to this day even if the story is just "You are a marine, here are the guns, there are the demons, go get'em."
Name some then.
Most games cant even do the basic drama structure that you learn in creative writing classes in high school. Few RPGs can pull off a no-brainer template like heroes journey but then you are guaranteed to have parts written by 10 different people - all of whom are just gamedesigners who never wrote anything beyond essays and D&D campaigns - so it becomes a garbage dump as far as consistency and quality goes.
>he starts pseudointellectual threads on Zig Forums where he likens film to literature
Because video games have player input, whereas a film or novel does not have to worry about anything else other than what the writer/director specifically puts in. They don't have to account for various scenarios of what the player chooses to do, get to dictate the pacing of what's going on, and so on.
A story can be interesting even if the writing is bad and in general most people just play for gameplay since its a game.
>iT's ThE mEdIuM
lol, no
>short story
>magazine anthology
>tv series
>mini series
>feature length movie
>short film
>traditional journalism
>broadcast journalism
>gonzo journalism
Just a few different examples of different styles and their different mediums that ALL have consistent and frequent examples of quality writing. ALL of them have different writing constraints that don't work well outside of their typical medium.
Vidya can't get their shit together because they've never built an interest in attracting and fostering good writing. Games are typically developed by arrogant autists, who shouldn't DARE be questioned about their VISION, or corporate committee, who don't give a fuck as long as it sells.
pretty much this, they're just different mediums for telling stories
with books you read it, with music you listen to it, with movies you watch it and with games you play it
It's not universally bad at all. I'd say that the ratio of good stories in games is the same as good stories in movies. The only way you can hold this position is if you're a contrarian with an axe to grind.
Daily reminder that threads like this serve as a mass demoralizing campaign by resetera and leftists. It happened with comic books too. It's a massive gaslighting campaign designed to make your hobbies seem less legitimate, and therefor they'll be easier to take over and ruin.