Video game writing

we all have our hobbies

what's yours?

that's because you never played planescape torment or mask of the betrayer, you simpleton

>fantasy genre fiction based literary on Dungeons and Dragons that has the quality of writing as dime store garbage is somehow an achievement in fiction

Yeah I’m thinking gamers are fucking water heads

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Was supposed to say “IQ above 95”. I’m literally more intelligent than every single gamer simply by virtue of not being one.

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>not a gamer
>frequents Zig Forums

>vidya based in japan
>nips can't write story
>good aesthetics
>bad writing
>vidya begin production outside japan
>copy japan models
>including writing
>bad writing now standard

Yep most gamers are tasteless retards

unironically completely agree
the closest is probably mgs2, but the great themes dont make up for generally silly dialogue and plot points
i get that games are just games, a lot of the cheesy stuff is charming and sometimes makes a game genuinely more fun.

but people hail a game for being amazingly written, and it just feels like dumb college students came up with the plot in an afternoon

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Because they’re interactive and generally much longer than movies, some even have more dialogue than long form tv series. Tbh most games’ stories fit quality wise with tv shows, you just stick with characters and are more invested despite contrivances because you are affecting the game world to one degree or another.

Also OP is a fag and is just shit posting with his 96 iq

>jap game
>long winded pseudo poetic statements that seem beautiful but actually mean nothing

shits like
"where were you last night, we were all looking for you?"
"i stayed home. i was left with myself as i stayed in one place because the flow known as "ruby" has visited me, like a cricket leaping i fall as yet another season reaches harmony." et cetera et cetera holy crap