Have you ever looked up the solution to a problem in a game and thought "What the fuck? How was anyone supposed to figure that out? What a shitty fucking game."?
Have you ever looked up the solution to a problem in a game and thought "What the fuck...
No I have not.
Your thread is shit.
You haven't played enough games then.
>haha wow I found a funny picture online
>let's post it on Zig Forums so I can talk about it -- I'll just bullshit a vidya relation into the OP so it's facially on-topic
child-level thinking
inb4 OP replies to me to desperately bump his own thread and increase the chances of having the shitty off-topic discussion he so badly wants, just like he did to the first reply
Wow you are really triggered, huh? How old are you, 15? 16? Are you mad I'm insulting m'ladies?
justify this
I'll bump OP's thread just to make you seethe
She's right
probably not since monkey island 2
Lol imagine getting worked this hard by a thread made by a 14 year old