Have you ever looked up the solution to a problem in a game and thought "What the fuck? How was anyone supposed to figure that out? What a shitty fucking game."?
Have you ever looked up the solution to a problem in a game and thought "What the fuck...
No I have not.
Your thread is shit.
You haven't played enough games then.
>haha wow I found a funny picture online
>let's post it on Zig Forums so I can talk about it -- I'll just bullshit a vidya relation into the OP so it's facially on-topic
child-level thinking
inb4 OP replies to me to desperately bump his own thread and increase the chances of having the shitty off-topic discussion he so badly wants, just like he did to the first reply
Wow you are really triggered, huh? How old are you, 15? 16? Are you mad I'm insulting m'ladies?
justify this
I'll bump OP's thread just to make you seethe
She's right
probably not since monkey island 2
Lol imagine getting worked this hard by a thread made by a 14 year old
Everything in McPixel, from what I remember.
They have ways of figuring it out now but before you had no way of knowing
you're welcome, OP
take notes
No she isn't you fucking simp
Final puzzle of "The Moment of Silence".
It's literally impossible to figure out on your own.
Ys chronicles 1 I don't remember which part tho
I want to creampie Greta's throat.
Damn, you sure got proven correct
Yes she is. A kid doesn't have the technological ability, experience, intelligence, or power to develop required technologies or implement them within a system. The grand majority of people don't either. But they all have their lives greatly affected and possibly destroyed by the very few that have those abilities and/or positions of power. Demanding change is a necessity.
Xenoblade Chronicles, you have no real way of knowing specifics for where npcs, enemies and items are, so you have to have the wiki up by your side.
But I don't think the game is shit for it.
Based Swedish pride BTFO'ing all amerimutts.
what's wrong with this kid?
You're not even demanding a solution to anything, you're just bitching
>A kid
She's 18
american DNA
Changes nothing.
She's literally autistic.
>Demanding change is a necessity.
How about acquiring the technological ability, experience, intelligence, or power to develop required technologies or implement them within a system? Too much work, right?
Not exactly but the Zodiac Spear from FFXII
Who are the "people" pulling the strings behind that down syndrome having cunt?
>implying women ever mentally mature into adulthood
She's of pure Nordic stock isn't she
stfu racist mutt stop insulting Swedes.
MK Ultra
Whose fucking bright idea was it to prop up this down syndrome looking bitch to be the face of climate change. They couldn't find one normal looking kid to be a talking head for them?
The overwhelming majority of people are shut out from being able to do that.
That's like saying you have no right to complain about a videogame because you are not a AAA dev and also a CEO of a major gaming company.
The poem puzzle in beyond a steel sky, although it doesn't help I missed some earlier dialogue hints.
*Who are the (((people))) pulling the strings behind that down syndrome having cunt?
how was I supposed to know that i'm supposed to speak to merlon on the other side of the table?
I rented paper mario for like three weeks before doing it through pure dumb luck
This is the equivalent of telling children that if they're being abused they can just wait until they're adults and do things better then
She’s retarded. Like full blown retard. This has been a prolonged make a wish.
Look at her face
Do they think we are all rocket scientists.
it's trying so hard not to shapeshit back
Yes. Children should be seen and not heard.
The last puzzle in Rivens first level. Absolute fucking bullshit.
and that wasn't even on purpose
Well guess what, the people who have acquired the technological ability, experience, intelligence, or power to develop required technologies or implement them within a system, they didn't just whine in front of a camera, they actually took their time to learn a skill and understand how to solve the problems in whatever field they were interested in.
Government only exists to make communication, trade, and other legal nonsense between these systems. Literally no person on their own has the power to change the whole system you fucking mong. You can be specialized in one particular field and master it but at the end of the day some fuckin retard will say its fake.
Yes. I had no idea you had to look in to the light in the lobby of the castle in Mario 64. Fuck that game.
>when the mkultra kicks in
We already have solutions
>invest in nuclear power
>nuke China and India
Getting rid of the Chinese alone would shut down the illegal poaching of a fuckton of endangered animals
Doing all Blade affinity in 2 is really trying without the wiki. All these items in single stores and enemies that appear at certain times with odd names.
If you can't offer a solution you have no rights to complain.
And now it's their job to put those skills to fucking use
>Ahhh, I studied for ten years but I finally have a medical degree!
>Help, help, my daughter is dying, is there a doctor in the house?
>lol get fucked, why don't you get your own medical degree and do your own surgery
it's the only way to explain the mutant facial deformities and brain damage. it's not fetal alcohol syndrome or down's syndrome, so it must be amerimutt syndrome. I would guess her "father" isn't the real father