This is impossible. Not even the LifeVirus or Gospel gave me this much trouble...

This is impossible. Not even the LifeVirus or Gospel gave me this much trouble. I've been fighting these asshats for hours now, losing every time. I've changed the strategy, changed the entire folder, nothing can beat these monsters.

These undernet ranking shits are the true final bosses.

Attached: 2020-10-23 07_26_26-VisualBoyAdvance-100%.png (720x477, 33.12K)

Post your folder

use invis

lotsa swords and shit

can I attack while invis? I never used it really

Which game? I wanna 100% one of them but idk which one to choose

3. People say it's the best but damn it makes you backtrack at times.
Also you may not be able to because it has 2 versions, white and blue

not the OP, but i'm usually go with 6. Falzar for the Tengu/Tomahawk beast.

>tfw I just asked the sf3 writer the question
Lets hope the translation my cousing gave me is right and that he answers....

You're very brave


Do you know moonrunes? If so I migh as well paste the text of the question to confirm if it is well written...

Not enough; just google translate it, the writer won't be surprised about grammatical mistakes coming from a filthy gaijin

Ok. According to google it seems okay. This is the translated text btw:

Kodama-san, nice to meet you.
I've been a big fan of Kodama-san's games since I was little.
This time, I have something to ask and I will send you a message.
My friends and I are fans of Meteor Rockman and Rockman Exe, but I was wondering where the Navi and others went after Meteor Rockman 1.
So, I made one hypothesis. The navigations have been updated to become Wizard AI.
What do you think.

What did he mean with this?

Attached: MegaMan Battle Network 4 Blue Moon.png (240x160, 13.66K)

Nb, I guess

So you asked if wizards are navis? Hope he says yes

Didn't Kodama already leave Capcom?

Have you considered gitting gud?

Thats the reason I asked him. If he was still in Capcom he migh had said something like "Sorry can´t talk about it"

Battle Network really was ahead of its time.

Unnironically, yes.

Just use invis

...And people still insist that Black/Blue is better.

Redpill me on White then

Battle Network 3 White:
>is home to the E-code of doom
>has more challenging Undernet ranking battles-OP related
>enables Ground Style, which can control the field
>grants you Serenade's chip instead of Mine-bait DarkAura
>features MistMan, who is honestly more interesting than BowlMan
>has NaviRecycl, which is actually a bit balanced, unlike FoldrBak
That being said, all of this is pretty subjective. Really, they both have their pros and cons.

Attached: 1580831956427.gif (483x640, 390.86K)

he is a tortured soul. He lost his way and emerged as this twisted being.

Maybe I will try white when we get a collection

Is FolderBak the most broken chip ever?

What Navi custom setups do you usually use?
In my current MMBN4 game I'm mostly using
>BustPack, Attack+1, Speed+1. Charge+1 for maxed Megabuster
But now I'm on the superhard mode were even the most basic enemies have several hundred HP so is it better if I just stack Custom+1/2 programs and forget about the buster?

Attached: Navi Custom.png (240x160, 3.36K)

I think I have all these games on my Rg350.

Is it best to play them in release order or is there a perfect game in the series to just spend my time on?

Release order as they have one continuous story.

You get virtually infinite chips available to you, so yes.

Buster is ass. Go custom or go home.