This is impossible. Not even the LifeVirus or Gospel gave me this much trouble...

Do you know moonrunes? If so I migh as well paste the text of the question to confirm if it is well written...

Not enough; just google translate it, the writer won't be surprised about grammatical mistakes coming from a filthy gaijin

Ok. According to google it seems okay. This is the translated text btw:

Kodama-san, nice to meet you.
I've been a big fan of Kodama-san's games since I was little.
This time, I have something to ask and I will send you a message.
My friends and I are fans of Meteor Rockman and Rockman Exe, but I was wondering where the Navi and others went after Meteor Rockman 1.
So, I made one hypothesis. The navigations have been updated to become Wizard AI.
What do you think.

What did he mean with this?

Attached: MegaMan Battle Network 4 Blue Moon.png (240x160, 13.66K)

Nb, I guess

So you asked if wizards are navis? Hope he says yes

Didn't Kodama already leave Capcom?

Have you considered gitting gud?

Thats the reason I asked him. If he was still in Capcom he migh had said something like "Sorry can´t talk about it"

Battle Network really was ahead of its time.