You can't do this in Smash Ultimate
You can't do this in Smash Ultimate
yes ult sucks we know.
I can't do that in any smash game.
reminds me just how much I hate edgehogging
Whoa, you're really making me want to practice a 20 year old party game for hundreds of hours so I can compete in a tournament with the 9 other people who still play Melee...
>hundreds of hours to wavedash
You're better off not playing, it sounds like you're not very good at video games.
>I have no interest in playing this game
>you're better off not playing it
Glad we agree
I'm not sure why you posted in this thread
the only thing he does in the video is wavedash. if it takes you more than 5 minutes to figure out wavedashing you are retarded. and melee tournaments are stacked unless you live in the middle of nowhere
no thanks