You can't do this in Smash Ultimate
You can't do this in Smash Ultimate
yes ult sucks we know.
I can't do that in any smash game.
reminds me just how much I hate edgehogging
Whoa, you're really making me want to practice a 20 year old party game for hundreds of hours so I can compete in a tournament with the 9 other people who still play Melee...
>hundreds of hours to wavedash
You're better off not playing, it sounds like you're not very good at video games.
>I have no interest in playing this game
>you're better off not playing it
Glad we agree
I'm not sure why you posted in this thread
the only thing he does in the video is wavedash. if it takes you more than 5 minutes to figure out wavedashing you are retarded. and melee tournaments are stacked unless you live in the middle of nowhere
no thanks
Edge hogging is lame. Not nearly as hype or satisfying as edge guards.
I'm not sure why you don't take a shower
*soils your legacy*
sorry meleefags, I respect that you can play this game still but its not worth mastering it when this character exists, I'd rather have fun with ultimate
...And that's a good thing!
No we don't need your retarded glitch cancer anymore
I wish more people played Rivals, it feels so silky smooth to play
I can play as K. Rool tho
Hardly anyone even plays puff though because she's lame and boring.
>Waa I can't safely get back to the platform with zero effort
gtfo kid
Be careful. You'll upset the child fuckers.
Based Melee is so in tune with its glitches that you literally get bonus points in classic mode for doing it
I feel like Wavedashing has the same effect as snaking in the old Mario Kart games in that it doesn't actually make the game deeper or give you an edge in competitive play, it's just a thing you're required to be able to do to keep up since everybody else will be doing it. More work than fun
>It doesn't give you any edge or competitive advantage
>You have to do it in order to keep up
Pick one
exactly, but she's one of the best characters in the game, she ruins matches and makes the game boring, what's the point of getting good at the actual game when you can just pick her up instead, its like sonic in smash 4 but slower paced and even more boring
>implying edgehogging isn't zero effort
First, wavedashing is a pretty basic input. It gives you a new, really good movement option that makes a good chunk of the case much more fun/mobile. Wavedashing for the sake of wavedashing also doesn't accomplish much
The closes analog to what you're thinking of is L-cancelling, which is essentially another input on every aerial that you have to do otherwise you're at a disadvantage
I'm fine with people shitting on melee but most people do it on grounds they don't understand at all
Because nobody plays her and the ones who do are rarely even that good at her to begin with. How do you think Hungrybox was able to stay rank 1 up until recently? It's because he never played friendlies and there's no other puffs worth a damn to practice against.
Reminds me of how Mario Kart DS used to be fun online until that became the norm.
Edge guarding is the dumbest thing ever and I'm glad they fixed it. Instead of blocking a recovery point it encourages people to go off stage for spikes or purposely pop them off with a quick back air. The only thing I miss from melee or any of the older smash games is the items/pokeballs were not dog shit like they are now.
Literally the only people who play Puff are Ultimate players who have just made the switch and can't deal with the mechanics.
edge hogging was a gay mechanic and I'm glad it's gone
I liked melee back in the day but unless you're an autist who has hundreds and thousands of hours to master all of the advanced techniques you're not going to be having more fun than you will in Ultimate
Tell me more about two framing and wavebouncing
>L-cancelling bad
>Edge hogging bad
>momentum based air movement good
>more hitstun good
>wavedashing good
based, same.
what? get carpal tunnel?
I agree with this but L-Cancelling is okay
*inputs one wavedash*
Edgehogging is fine. You don't get to recover in Melee for free, and unlike Ultimate, the top tiers generally all have pretty bad recoveries with the exception of Sheik, who is still pretty easy to gimp like in OP's webm.
You are punished harder for losing stage control. That's why the game is played with 4 stocks,
Reason enough never play Melee.
What's the point in shitting on other video games? Are you guys 12?
Grow up, just play what you like and shut the fuck up. It's not like hating other shit will make yours more likable
You pretty much have to edgehog Sheik in that situation because her recovery makes her invulnerable.
Hello fellow zoomer, I too avoid everything remotely challenging
He was an absolute legend. Man did what he had to do to become number one, the amount of hatred he went through in order to accomplish and keep that throne will motivate me forever