Explain to me why better people shouldn't match with better people and worse people shouldn't match with worse people?
Explain to me why better people shouldn't match with better people and worse people shouldn't match with worse people?
Because then what motivation do you have to be the best when you'll always be moved up as you get better, only a few hundred nerds will ever be good enough to make money from being the very best, and do so by going full autistic at one game only, meanwhile you shit it up in plat dreaming of the days when you were a bronze shitter who still had fun because performance didn't fucking matter yet.
In a perfect world men like me would not get matched with men like you.
but this is not a perfect world
It does have its merits but there are obvious problems as well: there's reduced feedback and rewards from gitting gud, it's not conductive to playing with your friends of varying skill levels, it kinda enforces players to play "meta" strategies and tactics to maintain their rating instead of a strong player simply being able to meme around and still do fine, it produces a general atmosphere of tryhard metafaggotry even among players who are absolutely not competitive, this obsession with balance and competitiveness pretty much forces the developers to symmetrically balance the game such that "noncompetitive" playstyles can't even exist or are not fun, etc.
The particular design of CoD sbmm is shitty and doesn't really function well enough to justify its existence. If the only options were no sbmm or sbmm as it is then removing it would be better. Ideally they would just have the system in place but not shit. The whole discussion is poisoned by the 'muh pubstomping' thing to the point people are more convinced it's bad for the games in general and not just another fuckup of implementation
Matching with people of an equal skill level is a good thing, in ranked modes.
COD has never been a balanced game or a proper serious esport, and MW and BOCW use ranked matchmaking (you have a rank that is hidden from you) in casual game modes.
What does this mean? It means that if you know how to aim, you will be constantly matched up against people who make the game unfun for everyone else using meta loadouts throwing the very cool and very wide gun customization system in the trash, spamming C4 or Semtexes around every corner and generally just making it unfun to play.
The SBMM wouldn't be a problem if it was in a seperate ranked mode, 99% of the playerbase isn't playing COD to sweat out matches, if i wanted to do that i'd go on literally any other competitive team-based shooter such as CS:GO or R6S.
Forgot to mention, the SBMM system introduced is a huge weird-ass datafarm that literally notes down everything you do, from map paths, to weapons, to where you hide, to how you aim etc.
What? CoD scene is so retarded they dont want matching players based on skill? Literally every online game ever with ranking system does that.
It's literally dudebros afraid of facing skilled players and just want to stomp noobs, there's no fun in that.
Imagine that in fightans you constantly fight jump-in retards and all you need to do is spam anti-air to win. CoD faggots think that this would be good instead of facing a player your level, holy shit. That's why no one treats them seriously.
Who was in the wrong?
Skill based? Get good and rank up faggot
In a better world we would just play on dedicated servers and the autists who care about their e-peen ranks would participate in some sort of official tournaments instead of rely on random matchmaking
Because Skill Based Match Making never works that way outside of SOME fighting games
it's not "good players get matched with good players"
it's "this guy is on a win streak/did too good last match so we're going to fucking put him on a team of absolute shitters so he loses"
skill based match making always involves an insidious algorithm working to fuck you over and give you a 50/50 winloss rate. That's not enjoyable nor is it skill based.
everyone agrees it was the knight
>and just want to stomp noobs, there's no fun in that.
But CoD's multiplayer is fucking entirely based around stomping noobs. It's why killstreaks exist. The games are actively encouraging you and rewarding you for pubstomping.
With the dumb algorithmic matchmaking that all but guarantees you'll lose and die why do the new games even fucking have killstreaks anymore?
that doesn't make any sense. you want to be the best, but you don't actually want to play against anyone decent at the game? you need motivation to be the best, but you long for the days when you were just doing stupid shit in bronze without a care?
Why is it always console gamers like cod and siege players that cry about this
are you incapable of doing performing well against people who aren't retards?
the one and ONLY question that fucking matters is: can i play with a friend even if hes much better than me or vice versa? because i've been hearing that you cant and if that is true then SBMM and all of its shills can die in a fire.
t. havent played a CoD game since MW2
I am here
>playing mp games with matchmaking
>not using community servers
You all console niggers deserve it
the obvious answer is to git gud enough where SBBM means nothing to you. If you
re in the .1% of players then even the highest tier won't be a match
According to the video poster you should have some chromosomes or braincells missing thinking thats okay.
This is why you should only play FFA in the new CoD games. Not a big enough player pool for aggressive SBMM, and they can’t match you with shitters ‘cause you’re solo.
It does suck not getting to play 90% of the game you paid for, though.
You can, and it matchmakes based on the hidden rank of whoever searches. So having the least skilled player search for the match makes it more fun.
OP here. Redownloading IW4X today senpai. Missed it desu.
People change user, people change.
becase it's not fun, and videogames are meant to be fun
Knight went too far when he called Potion Seller a rascal.
Whereas a fighting game provides a genuine challenge when paired with people of the same skill level, SBMM in CoD just provides a consistent grind towards a 1.0 KD, which is also fueled by the atrocious spawns and weapons meta.
The progression system also doesn't do well with the SBMM, if I want to grind weapon XP I shouldn't have to face off against ADHD meta M4/MP5 retards. IW should learn how to balance the core gameplay before implementing any matchmaking system that isn't based purely on connection quality.