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Video Games
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Video Games #5298
Video Games
Here’s Nathan Drake and Sully bros
Why hasn't Zig Forums done something cool in a video game since that time we beat leddit in Tribes?
Alright user, you're in charge of hosting the most epic Zig Forums slumber party in the world...
Byleth is property of the Adrestian Empire
Lil pump endorses trump 2020
October... I am forgotten
Kino tier: MGS2
Sam Lake isn't just one of the best video game creators, but one of the greatest living artists...
You know what's cool?
What did she mean by this?
Will you teach your kids how to play games, Zig Forums? let's assume you manage to procreate
I don't claim to be the best blacksmith in Whiterun. Eorlund Gray-Mane's got that honor. The man's steel is legendary...
Miss her yet Zig Forumsros?
Over on Twitter...
Why do people play as non-human races? Do you enjoy spending the whole game looking at an ugly monster?
This is the worst video game ever made
If Fallout 4 forced you to be gay
Game get hard
What the fuck is this game? Is normal difficulty even feasible or should I play it on easy? I'm thinking easy right now
What are the best video game sniper rifles?
You will play the king of /vrpg/'s new game, right? It comes out in exactly one day from now
Playing video game
How can anyone enjoy this garbage...
You have five (5) seconds to prove you’ve played a video game
Double Kill
Zig Forums unironically discussing Animal Crossing
Comfy Playstation 4 thread
Gaming while in college
You matched Shibusawa style for style, right user?
What in the actual fuck did he mean by this?
Tfw video games will never be good again
I thought Among Us was FOTM? Its more popular than ever
This game really fuck sucks
Sega will never bring back the Chao Garden
Tuba boss
Is there a point in even playing this if I know who the killer is?
Cyberpunk 2077's ABYSMAL number of vehicles
Reminder girls will always pick the left over the right
No one played this game but I liked it so much it might genuinely be my GOTY. Looking at how the game did sale wise...
Talk about her
Broken character takes too long to get banned
Shadowlands Pre-Patch Cinematic
This movie actually shit
This kills the PCVR
Here's your highest-grossing PS5 game, bro
Burning Crusade was a good expa-
Hack yours
Was it murder?
Deep Rock Thread
Video Game gif
He really deserved to be in a better-made game
Enjoying the dlc?
Any oldfags, neets or otaku want to talk about video games?
The charges officer?
You can either have
What's the best PC emulator for GBA games?
Klee is a big girl
Why is this the most polarizing of the trio?
What the fuck is a Tool Assisted Speedrun?
Well, what's it gonna be this time, Zig Forums?
Assassin’s Creed Odyssey
This is Haru Okumura from Persona 5
Explain everything you would do to 2B's ass
If a vidya character is based on a real person, is it disrepectfuly to draw porn of them?
Sonic Heroes is one of the better 3D Sonic games just by being a 7/10 and yet it is hated. Why?
Webm and screenshot thread
Game starts with the protagonist losing all their equipment and upgrades
Do YOU play any Gacha games?
How has the year been for the coomer side of Zig Forums?
Do you finish games you buy Zig Forums
What's your favourite Platinum game?
Has any game surpassed rabi-ribi?
Im a faun you dork!
There has never been a good 3D Soni-
Do you listen to music while you game? If so, what music?
Has a game ever done Erotic Horror
The final boss of the entire Souls series is a fucking nobody
All of you ungrateful humans, who took everything away from me, will feel my loss and despair!
Party member betrays you
Vergil and Dante
What is the future of Kingdom Hearts now?
30 years old
ITT: Shitty Clones
Among Us Thread
2 weeks until Annihilation
Are you going to play the inevitable High Republic MMO?
Idle animation thread
Why is there 0 hype for Xbox Series X and PS5?
Spooky Toons Thread
No fun allowed: the game
How important are MTX in this game?
How do people win so consistently in a genre with so much guessing
Sseth single handedly divided the Caves of Qud community between commiefags and "normal" people
Male MC
What is the best song in this game?
You can fuck all of the characters in one of these games, which do you pick?
Pay $280 for a switch
Enter steam
Why are fox girls showing up everywhere nowadays? I seriously don't understand
So now that the dust has had time to clear on the Link's awakening remake
When will this piece of shit get more than 2 games worth playing?
What games actually implement this dilemma well?
Find a flaw
ITT: The game that sucked the soul out of its franchise
ITT: Dishonest game design
Layben, we're leaving
Rape visual novel is Japanese IGNs 2018 GOTY
Party Van
There's a ton of Samurai and Ninja games, but why aren't there enough Kunoichi games...
Why is this considered the greatest game of all time when MM and WW have better dungeons and overall gameplay?
Avoid Zig Forums if You're Going to Play 2077
Really makes you think
Genshin and many other other gacha/lootbox games are playable (and still enjoyable) for free...
See people complaining about this scene saying this pokemon shouldn't be able to talk
Where to next
Spend 3 days modding skyrim
One game ported to Steam
Star Citizen
What was your Dad's favorite video game?
Graphics aside this actually looks like a proper Halo game
Poop out nothing but caucasoids
Can you imagine yourself still playing video games at the age of 30?
Dude, let's make our big stealth franchise into Call of Duty spin-off with a similar story because that's the trend now
Zig Forumsidya Drawthread
Return of the obra dinn
Feeling like video games are a waste of time
Which one has the cooler aliens/alien invasion story?
Name a SINGLE (1) plothole in the Metal Gear or Death Stranding franchise
So what's the relationship between Pauline and DK right now?
Why do metafags still exist in PVE games?
Are you ready for next year?
Noita thread
I honestly think they’re running out of steam at this point...
I am the Stalker
Duke Nukem Forever 1999
Wasted Concepts
O, how the mighty have fallen
Why has no one tried a more realistic or better yet, accurate interpretation on religious themes in Vidya?
When you play mario party, who's the character you pick most?
Does this crap get any good? The introduction and first combats are boring as fuck but I heard good things about it
How did they manage to fuck it up SO BADLY?
Do you play the Persona games dubbed or undubbed?
Play WVM
Twilight Princess is better than you remember it
I was enjoying that Heroforge thread. Another?
Game franchise has one really good entry
Who's your favorite Smash Bros. Newcomer so far?
Games that I can immediately jump into?
What horror games are you playing this month?
So which one is better?
How old were you when you realized this was the worst console of the 90s?
This game filtered thousands
Is r/gamingcirclejerk really that bad?
Here's your future for consoles, bro. I hope you're willing to buy the pro model in a year...
Zig Forums the Musical VIII Release Party and Stream (The Songs of Us Part II)
Did not age well
I’m not paying $70 for a video game
Konami gives Silent Hill to western developers
What music gives you gooseskin?
What videogames have canon bottom protagonists? Bottoms are fun and cute people who deserve respect and headpats...
Do you play VRChat? What do you think of it?
Did you enjoy the Isle of Armor and the Crown Tundra?
Wait, what's his name again?
Can (you) hate a videogame without actually playing it?
Was she right?
How come is bats the only DC character that gets games?
Corona lockdown
TMNT games, will they ever be any good? They went to garbage when 3D gaming came along
Fellas, let's talk about one of the best games ever made
Why do video game developers not include an option to SKIP nudity scenes in their games?
Will western gaming ever make a comeback?
Gtx 970
How big of a threat to Japan is China, in terms of exploiting the weeb audience...
I don't understand the backlash for this machine, aside from the problematic game pricing, which...
What do you guys will get?
What's the best way to play this nowadays...
Why isnt there a female Kratos? Im sick of boring ass Nathan Drakes or bitchy ass Jill Valentines...
All women are whores
Zig Forums approved youtubers?
Every day for over a year there have been multiple hate threads about Cyberpunk 2077...
How come conservatives don’t play video games for fun?
Post your favourite pictures of Silent Hill 2
Cyberpunk 2077 Made Me Vote Trump
UltraKill is fun
Cyberpunk 2077
Do you think HD sprites will ever make a major return to video games?
The exact moment Final Fantasy died
I-it has butt physics
VR is a mem-
What is the pinnacle of the SMT series?
Why did Bethesda rpgs switch from text based dialogue to voice acting?
How do I get into Dragon Quest? I looked into it a bit and it seems there are a fuckton of games, rereleases...
What the fuck is his problem?
What makes her so appealing?
Game lets you tutor your student while she's wearing a bikini
Why the fuck was this thing so comfy?
Jackbox thread
How come it feels like MMOs are the only games these days with character designs and outfit choices like these?
Whats the best Gacha game for me if I only care about huge fucking tits and literally nothing else?
Can you be a fan of a game without playing it?
Have you ever cheated in a video game apart from unlockable cheats?
What was the most boring vidya you've ever played?
Feel like playing game
Is Lara Croft still as big as she was in the 90's?
Buy 2 products
Name 3 NPCs from Skyrim without searching the internet
Genshin Impact newbie thread
Games for this feel?
How the fuck could a game this good sell so poorly?
Hiveswap act 2 announced
Why was the paladin so much better than the barbarian?
Villain is evil just because he's evil
PC Paypig Thread
Travis Scott Joins Playstation As A Creative Designer Partner!
FLOP incoming!
Why is the Japanese gaming industry like this?
ITT: gamer fuel
PS5 Third-Party Face Plates Are Already Available To Preorder
Would you be okay with this Zig Forums?
Just bought a powerline adapter for my computer because I can't directly connect to my router...
Why are gamers like this?
They took this away from you
Are you gonna buy it now?
What's your favorite TF2 class?
JUST fucking kill me already
Woman can't have arms like that
Wow user I haven't seen you in forever, what are you doing for work? nothing? o-oh
Three more days for the video release of the year
Recommend me good games please I don’t have nothing to play
Paper Mario The Origami King
This is the most punchable face in vidya
It do be like that
Saw an ad for this on Zig Forums today so i went and picked it up. what am I in for?
Among Us
What are some good conservative / patriotic games to play?
That's him officer, that's the guy that savescums rpgs!
Post comfy vidya towns
Ps5's GPU is equivalent to a RTX 2060S Confirmed
What went wrong?
Best conbini vidya?
My pure angel. My beautiful queen. The perfect maiden. The bestest girl
I think I'm retarded
My wife Iroha hopes that you had a good day at church!
FFVIIR looks ba-
Do you hate what gaming has become?
Melee Slippi Champions League
How do you think it will run on the ps5? I'm hoping for 1440p 120hz
Is Gaming Dead?
How is this game ? Craving for a good roguelike
I'm going to make a thread every day until we get a proper bleach musou spanning the entire series
*Is the best Ace Attorney game*
Weapon degradation ruins the game
More PC users hate RDR2 than PS4 users
What do you think of Lavenza
Cyberpunk 2077
Select you're toon
How is a leotard appropriate for fighting?
Characters only you want in the fighters pass
Can you be a fan of a game you haven't played?
Videogames from Latin America
Drive down sunny night city in my non-flying car
Oh my fucking god this is the worst piece of shit I've ever played in my life
I'm tired of pretending this game is bad when it was the best game of the decade
So are we going to get a lot of BOTW clones from now on?
Hungry? Thirsty? Horny? The New Vegas Thread has you covered!
Mommy and booba thread
PC gamers have better taste
Why did my parents ruin my life by having me in their 40s
Post minecraft homes
Cyberpunk doesn't come out for weeks
Was it the worst update in minecraft history?
Ps2 Games worth playing now
Are tankless water heaters worth the investment Zig Forums?
Linux Gaming Thread
Satoko, we're leaving
Play the game that is posted under your post!
What is the Evangellion of vidya
Zig Forums the Musical VIII Release Party and Stream
Game you hate has one redeeming quality
This is it. the best tactical shooter ever made. nothing even comes close. a decade later and its still being played...
*boom* *boom* *crash*
Skyrim run by elves? I don't think so
This is what Chinese devs think what good character design looks like
Now that's it been almost a year, what is the consensus on Death Stranding?
Can you unlock a classic skin for Tawna in this? If you can't, I'm not buying it
ITT: Zig Forums approved attire for female video game characters
Genshins that Zig Forums think are sexy
Spectre Princess needs your assistance! Defeat the gelatinous cube using your video game knowledge or simply outsmart...
He bought a 3090
Find a flaw
Let me guess, you got filtered
What does Zig Forums think of Games Done Quick?
Why does Zig Forums Hate it?
So there's plenty of games that you could describe as "reddit" games
It's another "retard whines about resin" episode
Going to chick-fil-a what do you guys want?
Resident Evil
Should I get the PS5 or Xbox Series X? I tend to get both eventually but it’s really tough this time around...
Why do Sony fans have such bad taste in games? This is the list of the most owned PS4 games
What do you anons snack on well gaming?
Cyberpunk 2077 dev defends cut features
This game is honestly kinda shit desu
3x3 thread
How can we stop avatarfaggotry on Zig Forums ?
What happened to licensed games?
How would you make a Captain N video game?
ITT: Buyers Remorse
You did make an honest woman out of this angel, right?
Does your favorite franchise have VAs that cos-play as the characters they play?
Which way samurai?
RPG Maker Games
ITT: Bad guys who won
Why don't you play Valorant?
First they took away the games
Now that the dust has settled was Xenoblade Chronicles 2 cringe?
MC has no talent whatsoever
Play Metro Exodus
For me, it's Mara Sov, Queen of the Reef
What went wrong?
Confess your gaming sins
Build gaming PC
Zig Forums is mad that Cyberpunk is full of degeneracy even though the entire genre is based on a decadent dystopia...
Dubs names my strider
What other final fantasy games are worth playing? already played 4, half of 6, 7 and 9
How's your game dev going, Zig Forums?
Is this still the best indie game?
Amnesia Rebirth
Meanwhile microsoft is buying AAA studios,pay for making exclusives...
Post classic Zig Forums screenshots
You will never play The Witcher 3 for the first time ever again
Less than 20 days until release date
Mecha games. What's good? I've recently fallen heavily in love with the mecha genre. Building and painting gunpla...
Have money to save vidya
Xuan-Yuan Sword VII 軒轅劍柒
This pistol doesn't have a thermal clip
Demon's souls remake
What kind of star wars videogame would you want to see?
Well, Zig Forums?
My mouse is doubleclicking again
Your move Sony
Male protagonist of first game gets murdered
ITT: buyer's remorse
My mom plays House of the Dead. You jelly?
Who is the "Jigsaw" of video games?
Play runescape
Don't care already bought cyberpunk 2077
Japan sonic good
Early original xbox emulator is already more accurate than PCSX2
Fate/Grand Order Just Made a Huge Amount of Money for Sony
How can Sony even compete with his business decisions?
Character says: Aniki
Bro... you still haven't refunded cyberpunk 2077 ???
He mains Luigi in spin-offs
Would you ever consider getting a gaming tattoo?
Why do people play as non-human races? Do you enjoy spending the whole game looking at an ugly monster?
Vermintide 2
Genshin Impact
With emulators, what's the point of owning anything other than a PC for vidya?
Hunt for secrets in my Minecraft world
ITT: Vidya characters that are literally you
Motion blur: On
The best AC
Can we expect Switch sales to finally drop next month when the next generation launches?
This is pokémon now
Was it kino?
So my options for getting married are
Only 8 ships
The folly of man awakens an ancient evil
If you're such a great leader, Lord Megatron, why are there no good Transformers games?
When did you realize visual novels were better than books
Why can't Sonic fans just get along?
Little reminder that Sonyfags will pay $70 for a DLC
Why have I only seen exactly 1 post about the best co-op shooter out right now?
"We are going to Julio's after school to budokai, u coming ?"
You're better than this right?
New Vegas
Why is it so obtuse?
Volcano High
ITT: Emotional videogame music
Steam Halloween Sale 2020
Don't care i'm still buying Cyberpunk 2077
New sekiro update in just 3 days!
I just got down the snow mountain and set up the first camp, what should i do...
Bullet sponge zombies can take 7 to 12 bullets each
Was this the most mind blowing e3 reveal of all time?
Share button
The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel IV
What did he even do to get so much hatred on Zig Forums? He's just the fucking character designer. The writing...
Mouse thread - Post your mouse ITT
Never played any Monster Hunter vidya before. Where should I start first? I have PS2 and PSP. Thanks in advance
Why do you always play as girls in video games?
Best DOAs
Resident Evil 3
I want to play La Mulana. Which version do I play and is there anything I should know before starting...
Be really good at older CoDs e.g. CoD4, WaW
How much did it cost? The game is free bro. What do you mean it's 60 dollars?
Why do all FF games kill off SO many characters? im new to the series and theyre fucking dropping like flies
Download a mod
Does Zig Forums still like it?
Street fighter V
So, what's the Zig Forumserdict on Noita 1.0?
How does Zig Forums afford their vidya?
Zig Forums the musical VIII
Why aren't you using Windows 10, user?
Aus bros getting a ps5 on launch, what are you doing about game prices? demon's souls is $125, that's fucked...
Explain to me why better people shouldn't match with better people and worse people shouldn't match with worse people?
Just started pic related
Dude vikings were actually good guys and anglos were the bad guys
Play Sonic Riders
How seething do you have to be?
Will this Zelda design ever be topped?
What does Zig Forums think of Princess Byleth? The main character from the hit game Fire Emblem: Three Houses of Horror?
She looks AND sounds like she could start her onlyfans at any moment. Was she modeled after some camgirl?
Why is it always a black man and a white woman?
For me, it's Ann
Skull Face tells Venom all about his plan
Let's settle this, now that the dust has settled
Why didn't Japanese love PC games?
What's your favorite Shantae game? What would you want to see in the next entry?
>Sleeps 11 hours on weekends > still tired
Games only you played
Booba/waifu/mommy games
New Steins sequel announced
Last thread was pretty successful, so let`s have another one
Gacha becomes illegal worldwide (excluding China) because of Genshin Impact; What changes?
Have you ever been scared before from a non-horror game? For me, it's Dead Hand
At what point should we omit personal opinions from gaming journalism
Post a game with cooler weapons
24 days until cyber mommy takes your V card
Huge discount on Ni No Kuni but only in PAL regions i think. (and only on Switch)
Any suggestions to finish this chart?
ITT: Franchise killers
Drinks from the water bottle
Is it pronounced YA-MATO or YAMA-TO?
Funny vidya box art thread?
Mark Wahlberg as Sully from Uncharted
How did they manage to improve the character designs so drastically?
He's the best companion
Among Us
Was he based ?
Why do i keep replaying this game
Cyberpunk Waifu Thread
How would you feel if Nintendo abandoned their hardware and instead started releasing their games on PS5/Xbox/PC...
Last threads
/smg/ stock market general
White peoples make me sick
I can't believe it he gave it a 4/10
Video Games
Brit/pol/ - Everyone's Lazy Edition
Dominion Voting orders Sidney Powell retract ‘baseless and false allegations’ or will sue
Zig Forums General Drawthread
UPDATE: Got vaccinated 3 days ago
/fr/ - Le francofil
Pay close attention to this
No Source = no Soul
Video Games
Ban big trucks
When an anglophone tries to speak a foreign language
Why don’t you own an AR-15?
You WILL take the vaccine