Why does Zig Forums Hate it?

I've been having a blast wrecking pagans with my boy Basil II, what is the deal Zig Forums? Why the hate for this game?

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They included literal spyware in it.

Because Paradox did it better. Never heard you could even go against pagans in CIV VI. I'm guessing you are just LARPing.

I assume you don't use Steam at all then?

You can make religions and any non-christian is by definition a pagan.

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I assume you're a fucking retard?

They shoehorned in Female Leaders for SJW points.

No, you'd be the retard since you clearly didn't ready the article you're posting.

Civ 2 had Both Male and Female Leaders. Believe it or not, but Queen Victoria, Eleanore of Aquitaine, Catherine De Medici, Dido, etc. were real people. In Civ V They had Catherine the Great, Isabella of Spain, Queen Elizabeth I. What does it matter anyhow? DO you really care who the leader of the civ is? You're either playing against them or you're playing as them. What's the matter? Can't self insert or something?

It looks and feels like a mobile game.

I don't have a problem with them including Actually important female leaders. What I don't like is them including irrelevant leaders or people who weren't leaders for diversity.

Yes, I want a leader that was competent not some backstabbing mofo that lead the country astray. Don't care about the gender really.

You're just LARPing.

Because Civ 5 is a better game

Ah yes, the LARP of going for a Domination Victory by using Byzantin's ability to wreck cities that are the same religion as you, got ya. Who the leaders are is the stupidest thing. Honestly, I liked it better when you could rename your leader since who they are makes zero fucking difference.

Playing tall is a a gay meme. The only thing Civ V did better was Diplomatic Victory because Vi's World Congress is stupid.

I don't *hate* Civ 6 I just don't think it's as good as the competition of even previous Civ games like 4 and 5. All of that has to do with the gameplay though and not stupid shit like . Will say though that something about the art is a little off putting but that's not really a big deal either way

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I don't hate it, but civs 1,2,3,4,AC and freeciv are better

Modding suck and modding is the lifeblood of civ. I strongly predict civ 6's fanbase will drop like a rock after the last update because there's nothing else keeping people there. Civ IVs community was so strong for so long because of modding it's still not completely dead yet 15 years later.

Eurekas and inspirations feel like a weird tutorial mode that shouldn't be a core game mechanic. Oh I want to build aqueducts faster? Guess I'll build a random wall first even though I have no reason to otherwise. I want electricity faster? Build 3 of a specific boat. Nonsense mechanic. Making the player do arbitrary shit for optimal play feels really bad. Going back to other civs and realizing you can just play the game without having to keep track of all these things is a huge relief.

A lot of leaders and game concepts haven't been rebalanced or reworked over time, or only received small inconsequential changes. Every update they throw in a change or two but they need to sit down and rework half the game to bring it up to standard. The recent leaders being OP as hell compared to the average base game leader is the most blatant example.

They removed that awhile ago I’m pretty sure

the game looks ugly as shit, literal mobile game aesthetics

Before GS I hated it, but with GS it becomes its own Civ game on par with the others.
They way they overhauled strategic resources is amazing, and honestly the best representation of them in the entire series.
I love that industrialization is now a big deal and a game changer, which it never felt like in other civ games, just felt like another tech, doesn’t change how everything works like in 6, like it should, it certainly did IRL.
Climate change and disasters spice up the game, and makes the late game a bit more dynamic

>Climate change and disasters spice up the game
I'm torn on disasters because while I can respect that massive disasters have, in history, destroyed major cities, sometimes it feels like extra busy work.
>"Oh shit, you mean that flood just wiped out the farm I just built. Well fuck me man."

V was already a mobile game. The UI was designed to be played on a tablet and it showed.

on the flipside strategic view mode could run smooth even on WWII era punchcard computers

its inferior to V

Floods seem to be their own thing apart from most other disasters and add a bit to settling rivers. The Storms and Meteors absolutely fuck shit up though and I half hate them and half love them depending on if they decide to land on my capital or not.

>playing tall is a gay meme
based retard
the most effective strat is still going wide in civ 5, tall is just way way safer

Hearing Sean Bean every 10 seconds got old real fast

you know there's a ui mod for civ 5 right?
surely you're not a brainlet who used the default ui?
that would be like playing skyrim without mods?
are you retarded?

The AI is even more fucking retarded than the usual 4x game AI and the devs refuse to release documentation or open up the game that would allow the community to fix their broken fucking game.
I'd buy it if the DLL and something as good as Civ V's Community Exp Pack was out for it.

I am fond of pigs

The ui mods added information but didn't change the XBOXHUEG round buttons that are obviously mean to be tapped with your finger on a touchscreen.


no one here uses steam, everyone here pirates you know this... you have to go back

I love it. I just wish my friends would actually play it though.

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When people refer to pagans they usually mean pre-Christian polytheistic religions of Europe and Egypt.


Theres nothing wrong with female leaders per se but most of the ones they included in CIV 6 don't belong and it's clear they were grasping for straws to pull a Trudeau and make it 50/50 because its [current year]

If it's safer would it not be the most effective strat?

>ugly graphics
>terrible leader choices
>meme civilization choices
just straight up worse than civ 5

>no one here uses steam
@ me in the next steam sale thread, user.

The AI is far to abysmal to enjoy the game for a long time. Got my moneys worth out of it, i guess. But it just left a sour taste, especially with the money grubbing dlc trash they are pumping out right now. Doubt i will be buying 7 on launch, and i have bought them all since civ 2.

Well in my game there are no more pagans because I converted the world and won.

>pirate and block application from accessing internet

Ok I really don't care about that. You said there were pagans in the game so does that mean they included Hellenism, Norse Paganism, Ancient Egyptian, Slavic paganism, or Celtic paganism?