>Skyrim run by elves? I don't think so.
Skyrim run by elves? I don't think so
inb4 +150 replies of anti-nord and pro-imperial faggotry
>if actively a thalmor asset
spermcucks pls go
ah, the nordcucks when will they learn that they will never be an imperial chad
>Skyrim run by the Khajiit? As long as there's skooma.
for what reason did the atmorans literally eliminate the snelves?
Based Chadcloak bringin the pain.
>we're going to do it guys, just hold a little longer and we will finally attack the elves! By the way, can you kill thousand of those stormcloack soldiers? We really need skyrim population for the counteroffensive against the elves.
Tulius was a good man but the game was rigged against him.
Supporting the Stormcloaks and making Skyrim break off by itself sets the Thalmor up for invasion of Skyrim now that it's no longer under Imperial protection. Ulfric is a hack, and the stormcloaks could barely fight the broken Imperial army without dragonborn which is basically cheating. The Thalmor will literally shit down their throats.
Would you prefer a modded Skyrim thread with big titties instead?