>have some interest in speedrunning a game
>look up streamers who play the game
>they all start screaming whenever they make a mistake
>bitch about how the game is awful whenever something bad happens that they don't understand
>constantly whine about how their PB doesn't reflect their true skill
Yeah fuck this shit. These people are a fucking mess.
Other urls found in this thread:
>>have some interest in speedrunning a game
Here's your HRT and your reservation to AGDQ
>i want to do this
You're a fucking whiney bitch. Why would you decide not to run a game because you don't like someone else who runs it.
No the reality is that your expectations were that the skill cap ceiling wasn't so high. When you looked into it you realised that you'd be a fucking nobody in the scene, same you're a nobody in everything else.
So you look at the very peak and just like everyone else you attack that peak as an excuse not to attempt to climb it at all.
this is such a massive cope
go be a neurotic somewhere else
what game
I'm not the one typing up massive r/Zig Forums bait posts
>I'm the best in the world at something hardly anyone else does
>i want to be a massive faggot
>realise that i can't be a massive faggot because just like everything else, i'd be shit at that too
welp. time to attack it.
Chitose is best girl
>wow this looks like fun
>i think i'd enjoy this
>i better go see what other people think so i can form an opinion