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So which one is better?
Jason Campbell
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Brody Sullivan
Both are equally mediocre
Dylan Cook
I enjoyed PH more. Its been a long time so I can't delve into why.
Easton Wright
Hourglass has Linebeck.
It also has way better dialogue, story and world
Gabriel Morales
Hourglass has a better final boss linebeck and you're actually free to explore
Yet both are awesome, just seething faggots claims otherwise
Brandon Adams
Hard to say because they both have a lot of pros and cons.
Phantom Hourglass
>better overworld
>better rewards for exploration
>better sidequests
>Linebeck is a great companion
>puzzles are simple and rely a lot on the note taking aspect or other DS gimmicks
>Temple of the Ocean King is a slog even if you get to skip sections with new items
Spirit Tracks
>better overworld THEME
>better overworld enemies
>better puzzles and dungeons
>Tower of Spirits doesn't make you replay it every time
>Phantom Zelda is a great companion and playable character
>the train is cool as a concept but the overworld with the tracks is fucking atrocious
>most sidequests boil down to "bring person or thing here" or "find rabbit" and you mostly just get more tracks as a reward
>fuck the spirit flute
Eli Moore
the answer is obvious
windwaker was better than both of them
Jayden Jackson
Neither, the DS games were dogshit in general, I can’t believe that I’ve lived long enough to see people defending these pieces of shit
Jose Davis
phantom hourglass
the flute on spirit track is a plague and never worked, even with a mic
Jonathan Harris