What the fuck is this game? Is normal difficulty even feasible or should I play it on easy? I'm thinking easy right now.
What the fuck is this game? Is normal difficulty even feasible or should I play it on easy? I'm thinking easy right now
Download a save with hard modeunlocked and start the game on new life. You will see that the normal difficulty isn't that hard.
What’s the best SMT game to play on DS? I just bought a DS today.
well, it is that hard for me.
You fucked up because the DS ones have substantially improved remakes on 3DS
Use a fusion calculator. If that doesn't help you out, you should just switch to easy then.
The game starts off hard but the difficulty drops off the moment you beat Medusa which is fairly early in the game
what is fusion? I didn't fuse anything so far, I don't think I'm able to.
Once you beat medusa the difficulty of the game shifts from battles to navigating the overworld.
Easy isnt going to do fuck all for you.
That’s what I meant, was 3DS.
Isnt fusion basically done for you in this game? Search does everything.
play the first dungeon on easy if it's really kicking your ass. prolly turn it back up once you beat medusa tho.
Dungeon crawlers:
Soul Hackers
Strange Journey Redux
Persona Q
Persona Q 2
Devil Survivor Overclocked
Devil Survivor 2 Break Record
Traditional SMT:
Shin Megami Tensei 4
Shin Megami Tensei 4 Apocalypse (sequel to above)
the game literally has a casual filter mechanic. its fucking great.
Why I can use heal items out of battle? The fuck
A game mechanic that you can access by going to the menu and pressing the star of David icon. You basically fuse two demons into a new one.
Yeah, but it's still useful for planning out demons with perfect skills for the lowest cost.
I'll give you Devil Survivor, but
>Strange Journey Redux
>ruined art
>ruined UI
>HP bars
>shoehorned OC donut steel waifu
"substantially improved" is a bit of a stretch.
perhaps you should stick to persona
The game overall is not hard, but it has several random difficilty spikes like the Minotaur and King Kenji.
SMTIV is pretty easy once you get past Medusa. Minotaur, Beelzebub and Kenji are the only other bosses worth anything in that game.
Just save after every battle you get in if getting 2 or 3 shotted from field enemies is too much, lol. When you get into the swing of fusing demons, you can create some really busted demons and the game is (sadly) a cakewalk.
>ruined art
Oh no, not the 5 portraits that Kanecow made that are laughably outdated and don't even animate, whatever will I do without them.
>ruined UI
It's literally the same, just higher-res and semi-transparent, how is that bad?
>HP bars
And this is a problem why? You always saw your HP, whether it's done with only numbers or if it has added visual indicator makes no difference, it just makes it less of a pain to tell at a glance when you're low.
>shoehorned OC donut steel waifu
Which you can completely ignore and get one of the 3 original endings from DS.
the new endings are better than the old ones. people always give 4 shit for neutral bias but the alignment endings for vanilla sj are garbage.
From my experience the beginning of SMT games are by far the hardest part. Once you got past that the difficulty drops.
Just fucking learn and use weaknesses. Its really not that hard, you just cant brute force your way like most RPGs. Remember, if you grind in a SMT game, you are playing it wrong
You'll need a guide either way if it's your first SMT game. They're utterly player hostile and every mechanic is based around RNG.
Just start saving frequently and reloading and you should be fine.
You still have to grind in them. To get specific demons in order to fuse new ones with hyper specific skills/buffs required to not die to specific bosses you need to grind.
Never used one and I was able to beat most megaten games without any difficulty. Maybe you are just a brainlet.
Well yeah once you get a good spread of elements, mana refill, and demons with no weaknesses shit becomes easy
Yes, I guess, I didn't realize you could save at literally any time. I have some questions:
Is it normal for demons to just die? Some of them get one shotted pretty frequently.
Should I try to get every new demon I see? Because sometimes they don't like my answers and they fuck up my party, it seems pretty risky.