You can fuck all of the characters in one of these games, which do you pick?
You can fuck all of the characters in one of these games, which do you pick?
I just want Ayane
None. They look too realistic I couldnt get hard to any of them
I need actual anime girls
The existence of Tracer alone makes me want to vomit so the right.
Overwatch so I can love on Mei. Dead or Alive characters look like they're 16.
>even considering trannywatch
Its like you are begging to be called a faggot
Mei from Overwatch
Hitomi from DOA
Overwatch. All I need is my waifu Tracer. I don't want to fuck anyone else.
There’s a bunch of guys in overwatch
Based and wholesome pilled
Overwatch. Widows big fat ass is all worth it. Mercy can cuddle and hold me after the 3 min I give her
overwatch has more variety to suit my mood
Why in the fuck. Would anyone wanna fuck an underage loli?
Marie is 18
Overwatch. DOA girls are just the same person swapping wigs and contacts
Honestly a difficult choice. On Overwatch I only really love and like Tracer. Sure there's some hot girls like Mercy I guess but it's the same with DOA. Lots of "hot" girls if that's what you want, and arguably much more of them, but the only one I love is Marie. It hurts to let go, but I'll say DOA for a better harem experience and wife Marie. She will be my little cunny cum bunny snow princess who I will fill and glaze each and every day while the other girls take turns on my asshole. I want my prostate milked every session. I want to become such an ass slut for my girls. They will learn to cherish my prostate as something oh so precious and they will kiss my ass ring like it's their wedding rock. I will marry Marie Rose with her ass hole tight on my cock like a ring. She is so cute she needs anal orgasms and her organs rearranged. I would like to stuff her my little Easter bunny. Ishtar goddess pussy. Feet too.
Dead or Alive
Give me Marie and her beautiful swedish ass
DoA has Honoka so obviously that.
DOA has a lot of sameface so definitely Overwatch
>dva or marie
>mercy or nico
FUCK thats a hard choice
Overwatch has least Orisa
Is Efi included?
DoA no question. I would trade Kokoro and Lei Fang for Mercy and Pharrah though.
Overwatch character have different body types.
Sure DoA characters are all nice, but they all look the same, just some are taller and some are shorter.
You couldn't have made this decision for me any easier.
DOA. not even a question. the only fuckable character in trannywatch is the purple bitch.
Your waifu eats pussy
>all of the characters
I'm not fucking a guy or a robot.
>I'm not fucking a guy
That's fair
>or a robot.
Nigga u gay
Gimme a hole and I'll reconsider.
>uuuhhh but shes a lesbian
Just rape her lol
overwatch because doa has a same face syndrome and it would get boring fast
Doa girls are generic anime trash except Marie Rose, overwatch has thicc girls like Mei