Deep Rock Thread

What's the consensus on the new mission types?

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They're both easily the two best missions, to the point that it makes all the old ones look underdeveloped in comparison.

I have to agree. Building oil pipelines is fun and they actually managed to make an escort mission that isn't AIDS.

very fun, with refinery being better than escorting doretta in my opinion.
I'm bad at the game so I feel rushed during escort duty, but it's still enjoyable

rock and stone!

yeah, like that!
Rock and stone!

Attached: YOURE A GOOD MULE MOLLY.gif (200x150, 17.71K)

Do i need friends to play this?

escort > refinery > point extraction > mining > elimination > egg hunt > salvage

fuck salvage missions

Pipeline mission is so much fun it's actually hard for me to play any other mission now

I think the rewards should be much higher for Escort, the minimum time I've spent in one is 20 minutes, whereas everything else can be knocked out in 10~15 by an experienced crew.

No, you can group with randoms. It's designed to be a co-op game but you can also play solo.

How hard are elite missions??
Just picked the game up recently and have only done hazard 4 which is pretty easy

Makes the base missions look like utter shit, but I also feel they're slightly class unbalanced. Particularly the escort mission promoting you bring as many big guns as you can.

O shiet nigger.. i haven't tried the new missions yet!

whats the best class and why is it scout

I played about 5 hours of this today, met some nice people who spammed missions with a newbie for several hours, I liked the refinery better than the escort but both are fun!

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No, you can easily join any game, in progress or not, for the coop experience and DRG has probably the chillest, most based playerbase of any game ever.

Its engineer no contest. I do LOVE having a driller on my team though, just not playing them myself

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is drilller bad?

I love both missions a lot
I do think the refinery mission has a bit of an issue with enemy density, because I've had teams of people in the high hundreds of ranks go down and run out of nitra early on, forcing me to abandon them at the end of the mission. The gameplay itself is leagues better than the old ones besides maybe aquarq missions

Scout is the worst class and is exclusively played by the least-skilled players.

Whenever someone does some dumb shit and gets the whole team killed its always a scout.

Pipelines are a good measure of how fucking retarded your teammates are
Does the pipeline make a smooth path to the pumpjack with reasonable amounts of carving the earth to accommodate it? Your team is probably decent
Does the pipeline make fourteen unnecessary spirals and cant grind it all the way without being stopped by something? Your team should probably be euthanized
Really long pipelines are fun to make though

I dont know, it just makes me laugh to have some dude go straight through the wall and fall to death immediately after. Class is hilarious to watch

Do you folks recommend this game in general?

Not him but driller is great and extremely useful. Flamer and icyboi are both very powerful weapons.

But the lack of mobility does make it a bit of a chore to play.

no one on Zig Forums has anything bad to say about it so you know its good

scouts the one that can practically fly across the map and revive your stupid ass

A good driller can do the mining jobs of Engineer and Scout more efficiently than they can together, while also having his naturally high wave clearing/weak enemy dps and terrain clearing. He fails hard at dealing with enemies above Praetorians, so you need to rely on your team/Bosco for those if you play him

it's fun

sorry, seems as though I struck a nerve, scoutard

Yeah, it had high amounts of soul and fun

If he doesnt take friendly fire perk and turns the entire map into fire then yes

>solo morkite refining as gunner
>refinery is at the bottom of the cavern
>all the morkite wells are up a sharp slope

Not him but Scouts are the #1 most downed players in my games. They tend to never properly check heights, overextend into leeches/spitters, or just get swarmed while trying to make stupid shots with the m1k

Escorting Doretta feels like playing an action movie from start to finish. The lulls with refueling only strengthen that feel.

10/10 update

no, but he is mostly boring, other than that its also the only class that i would not consider necessary for H5, although digging straight to the droppod at the end of a mission sure is convenient, in the end he doesn't provide anything that other classes can't do just as well while his support to the team is in most cases unnecessary

gunners and engineers are better at killing, scout is a walking flare and there is rarely a moment where you really need a tunnel rather than just a zipline or some platforms, its a great solo class since it can do everything it just doesn't do anything better than the others enough to justify 100% getting one

all this obviously ignoring EPC mining that will probably get axed soon enough considering double jump perk was removed for reducing the impact of several other classes and EPC almost invalidates scout making him only useful for flares