Attached: control-ultimate-edition-cover[1].jpg (271x377, 25.7K)
ITT: buyer's remorse
John Ortiz
Jack Diaz
MK11 and Outer World this gen for me
Tyler Roberts
Escape from tarkov
Joshua Young
I remember the outrage over no titties, did they change that?
Levi Torres
i understand Control cause its remedy but fucking MK11 and Outer Worlds? literally been weeks of warnings blasted all over the board and just general red flags about it
Nicholas Perry
Sea of Thieves
enormous map, beautiful water, neat effects, but very low variety of activities, pretty poor controls implementation, terrible simplistic combat, no sense of progression, ship hats.
Xavier Morales
Horizon Zero Dawn
No patch can fix the utter boredom and lack of interest or motivation that I get towards completing this game. I should have asked for a refund the first week.
Jaxson Garcia
RE3 remake
i actually pity people who bought it at full price
Carson Rivera
Move aside smallfries
Julian Gutierrez
Adam White
this. i got to the second area with the buildings and shit and it was just so uninteresting
Elijah Morales
Why does she look like a man?
Camden Watson
story and combat are great everything else is garbage, if you focus only on the main campaign and use fast travel as much as you can it gets much better
Gabriel Williams
Any fightan that isn't mainstream. Impossible to find a buddy to play BBCT, while Tekken is too easy to get matches with
Jaxon Evans
fast travel is a fucking bitch tho, even on the pro
Robert Miller
Basically one of the best fighting games of the decade but ok
Leo Taylor
>combat is great
It's passable at best man. Not even memeing when I say BamHam combat is more engaging. I don't even care about how sluggish Aloy moves, it's something about the way the attacks connect that feels like swinging a balloon animal through a wind tunnel. Hardly any impact as far as I could tell aside from the animations themselves.
Landon Parker
Manly jaw and wide nose. Just shat out this shopp and she looks much more feminine
Jack Rodriguez
Control's main campaign is great, beat it twice. A.W.E. and Expeditions were shit. How's The Foundation?
Sebastian Cox
That legit looks just as bad
Hunter Kelly
Funny that I'm seeing this thread, I just beat Control a few hours ago. It's very okay and that's about it. If you have some interest in unusual SCP like phenomenons, then it's kinda neat I guess. Gameplay wise it's nothing too exciting.
I certainly wouldn't recommend it unless you had absolutely fucking nothing else to play.
Jack Perez
It's all about the atmosphere and story, just like in all Remedy's games; if the creepy, weird settings aren't for you, you won't really enjoy their games; the combat sucks yeah
Kayden Phillips
the story is shit and the atmosphere gets boring after 10 minutes, I got sick of seeing cubes and red everywhere
Anthony Long
Why don't you look like one?
Hudson Bennett
Combat Is way better than Quantum Break
Jaxson Ward
Funny enough, every characters in this game seems to suffer from looking okay from the front but being completely off from the side.
It's like they hired a bunch of interns to work on their 3D characters and they never understood the concept of rotating your models.
Matthew Ross
Dragon's Dogma and Night in the Woods.
Tyler Russell
you actually BOUGHT control?
Jonathan Sanchez
Doom Eternal Deluxe Edition, MHW Ice Borne
Michael Ross
Although one should always be wary about purchasing walking simulators of all things
Eli Cook
>the only way to heal is from drops when you kill enemies
>but let also punish the player for being out of cover by making every enemy deal a shitload of damage
>shield is completely random and doesn't protect you like it should, completely defeating its purpose as a defensive tool
It got to a point where combat was so annoying I just ran past anything not mandatory, and spammed the throwing power.
This shit shouldn't even have gotten past testing.
Bentley Morgan
Fallout 4.
Brandon Parker
You can also just download the original HL2 mod for free with half of the jokes in it.
Levi Wright
just cause 4
fuck those games are shit
Jason Lewis
the game is fine after you accept everything but throw is a useless power
Hudson Smith
>the game is fine after you accept everything
Not really, the main weapon you get in the game becomes completely useless halfway through the game and a dumb skill system that cripple half of your powers, it really just sucks.
>but throw is a useless power
It comically kills a lot of bosses in a few hits for most of the game, while you have to grind their health like a fucking idiot with everything else.