Was it the worst update in minecraft history?

Was it the worst update in minecraft history?

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Minecraft died with the adventure update but you already knew that

No that was that shitty world of color update that took a year to come out and added fuck all.

1.0 and 1.9 are candidates for the worst
There have also been other mediocre updates like what said, as well as 1.10 and 1.15

Adventure beta 1.8

it was good but i hate that they fucked with the village designs so hard and changed all the textures

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The 1.0 update, I refuse to call it full release

Easily goes to frostburn. Added polar bears and magma blocks. That's it. Even world of color added concrete at the very least.
If you say "dude adventure update" you're retarded.

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>fucked with the village designs
You mean improved by making the houses more varied, detailed, and biome specific?

Whichever update introduced (naturally spawning) baby zombies. I still think they're the worst addition ever added to this game.

1.13 sucked ass

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modern minecraft sucks ass. They just add meaningless "adventures" and pointless biomes.

no, whichever one added the shitty attack cooldown, i just wanna click fast and win

What did they added in 1.1?

The one that came after 1.2.5 Minecraft now always runs a server thanks to that, even in single-player.

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I wish they would stop fucking around with minecraft updates and add shit of substance they update like once or twice a year and ever single one just adds more bloat to the game for what amounts to 10 minutes of content before it becomes irrelevant

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No. 1.12 added literally nothing.

It was alright, nice diamond rewards by the end of some routes except for when my diamond-ranks vanish without a trace.

Good point, but at least 1.3 gave us a usable creative menu.

No beta 1.8 aka adventure update

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Why cant a billion dollar company and the largest game in the world create updates more than once a year that include 3 different entities with programing complex enough for a first week coder to program? I'm not shitposting, is there a reason?

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It's a content drip. They've figured out the absolute minimum output possible to maximize profit.

because they want to be precise and not throw out a buggy update. Think of it like a perfectionist painter who won't show their art until its perfect.

Because it IS the most sold game of all time, they can't afford to change too much the game without risking to displease a big chunk of their consumers. They paid the OG devs mad bucks just to stay on the project.

agreed they are walking a on rope over a bunch of hungry lions lose the balance and fall to their doom.

I just hope copper is getting more uses than what was shown in the presentation otherwise it's near useless.

it might who knows they never show everything when they show an update to keep our anticipation high

Adventure Update single handedly fucked world generation and it hasn't been fixed since then. So no.

>more than once a year
it actually takes them more than a year to release major updates actually.