>girl kills me in video game
>try to kill her back
>she kills me again
>"lmfao incel"
>don't take the bait, just try to get her back without looking mad
>she starts dominating me
>the whole server starts laughing at me
Girl kills me in video game
Yeah that's not how people act without you answering back
People beat lot of other people in video games and doesn't insult them everytime
But even if this was a true story, she deserve to mock you
>be me
>2000 hours in warthunder
>only in very specific instances where i duel enemy players around my skill level or with better planes for handling my playstyle do I have a clear chance of losing
>since you need spatial awareness i’ll never lose to a girl in it
>will just coast in the top 5 of every match forever
Feels good
Why don’t you git gud, anons?
>>girl kills me in video game
me just farted on my hand and smelled it
The idea of playing the same shit over and over where the only progression is my xp and unlock points sounds way too much like work so I never bother with multiplayer garbage.
>lmfao incel
That's a man
>playing a videogame that has women playing it
you set yourself up for failure by engaging with women in competition
t. sex haver
Probably fake asf, but if that happened to me I would be so fucking hard. Humiliation fetish ftw
Just call them a tranny and say their asshole will never be a vagina
*High 5's you
Sex is a competition though. Nice try virgin boy
I considered saying the N-word but I was too afraid of them calling me mad so I didn't.
honestly kind of afraid to ever play that game again incase I run into their username and they remember me.
how about playing for fun, ever thought of that?
Every game is played by women
I see many people not answering no matter what you say. Zoomers don't care about communities.
That's why from like 2008 until recently I mainly just played free HL2 mods, they mostly avoided all the issues that other modern multiplayer games started having. Though since some of them are still being updated the devs for them are just copying that shit into their games and they aren't as good anymore either.
Why didn't you report toxic behaviour?
This didn't happen
How do my intentions when playing change the fact that it's the same shit over and over again? Single player games have a difficulty progression, new levels, new enemies, a story progression and an end goal to work towards. You can be a tryhard or just play for fun, doesn't change the garbage nature of MP games.
>Girl kills me in game
>Starts badgering about how much I suck, I'm an incel, etc etc etc
>Open laptop, search her username
>Comes up with a twitter profile, twitter has Facebook link to her personal account
>Get killed again
>"Lol user there you go again, fucking shitty"
>Alright, Pauline is it? Says here you live on ____ street in ____, is that right?
>Start hearing her hyperventilate and watch her disconnect
That'd make me rock hard
Why are you such a fag?
enjoy doing 10 years in the slammer for hacking her and threatening to rape her.
If this is true then it only tells me how pathetic, underage, reddit and retarded this board has become since it consists of incompetent 9gag tier le epic frog posting fat autists who lose to women at multiplayer games
enjoy 10 years in the slammer for lying on the internet.
>Roomate hosts a party
>Tell him not to bother me. Im ust gonna watch Fargo and sleep.
>Nah dude you gotta come. It's gonna be fun.
>Drag me to the party.
>See the normies playing Tekken on my TV and ps.
>Who let you guys to touch my shit?
>Cmon man just chill out have fun.
>Start bodying all the mutts and fembois
>Some nigger bitch jumps in
>Oooo... Imma whoop your ass boi
>I win 1st round easy with devil jin
>I see you I see you
>Scoots in closer and nudges me with her elbow. You gonna lose this round
>Can smell her shitty coco butter cream.
>Instantly feel like puking. Don't like strong smells
>She beats me second round.
>Visibly frustrated
>Is you madddd... Awww.. Moves in even closer.
>You kind cute when your mad
>Typical woman nigger psychological warfare
>3rd round and she moves even closer. Can feel her bumpy waxed arm everytime it touches me.
>Hair smells like some shitty cheap floral perfume
>Tell her I'm not comfortable with her being so close to me
>OH really and what if I do this and sits on my lap
>please get off
>No... Starts grinding. You uncomfortable yet?
>Really... Really sick of her niggerdry
>Push her off and tell her to fuck off.
>Starts crying. All the trannies and white knights start shouting at me.
>Wtf is wrong with you user
>You could have just told her
>Lose it. Throw soda pop at this faggot who was screaming at me
>Roomate jumps in between and tells me to chill.
>Tell everyone to fuck off. They made a mess of my house
>Rip the ps and TV off and tell everyone to leave.
Somehow I'm angry Andy now. I agree the whole ripping TV off was too much but it was warranted given how I was dragged to the party and that was held without asking me first.
Turn on cheats.
enjoy 10 years of getting (you)s for your story
Enjoy 10 years in the slammer for being a hard R Gamer.
>play a game
>matched against tryhard
>next match
>see same tryhard
Good luck finding people to play against, nerd.
Oh and I have to pay for fixing the dry wall. Nah fuck CHINKS, FUCK MUTTS AND FUCK NIGGERS. God I am still mad about this.
try harder
Could have got coon poon user. No wonder you're an incel
Curated progression is gay, progressing your personal skill level is a better feeling.
Any party that isn't exclusively people you know will be cancer
If it's all people you know, and people they know, then it's fine.
>girl kills me in video game
>I kill her in real life
it's probably a 10 year old boy
If you didn't get dragged to the party by gunpoint, then you were at fault for getting involved.
>D. Jin main
The moment I knew you weren't gonna make it.
I'd get a boner from that.
>Girl is randomly nice to me if it benefits her. Therefore it means she likes me and wants to have sex with me.
Also I'd kms before I have sex with a subhuman.
fresh pasta?
It's not pasta until it gets reposted you stupid newfag.
That kind of shit always sucks. At least you didn't come home to a random house party after a 12 hr shift where some nigger has ND'd into the ceiling with his problem solver. Cops got called and everything. Glad the landlord kicked the faggot who organized that out.