Probably fake asf, but if that happened to me I would be so fucking hard. Humiliation fetish ftw
Girl kills me in video game
Just call them a tranny and say their asshole will never be a vagina
*High 5's you
Sex is a competition though. Nice try virgin boy
I considered saying the N-word but I was too afraid of them calling me mad so I didn't.
honestly kind of afraid to ever play that game again incase I run into their username and they remember me.
how about playing for fun, ever thought of that?
Every game is played by women
I see many people not answering no matter what you say. Zoomers don't care about communities.
That's why from like 2008 until recently I mainly just played free HL2 mods, they mostly avoided all the issues that other modern multiplayer games started having. Though since some of them are still being updated the devs for them are just copying that shit into their games and they aren't as good anymore either.