
This game had so much soul, the only bad thing about it really is how npc's look, otherwise just travelling around and turning off your hud looks amazing

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I never beat this game but I did spend countless hours closing Oblivion Gates and playing the dlc which was also great.

Shivering Isles is one of my favorite DLCs in any game

Yeah, the level scaling isn't an horrendous thing at all. Also, Oblivion's world is very interesting and profound in term of social and political structures and issues.
And following stupidly quest markers is so much fun.

You're the type of person to only fast travel between locations and never care look at your surroundings because you just want to finish the quest as soon as possible so that you can go and shit on it on Zig Forums. Yeah, you really got me there, bud.

Any mods to make the combat better? I tried playing this again but got bored of slashing a skeleton 999 times just to kill it.

shivering isles dlc is amazing
the worst part about it is the rest of the """""""""""""""""game"""""""""""""""""
oblivion is fucking garbage

Shivering Isles is an all time GOAT DLC and yes Oblivion is probably the best Elder Scrolls. More playable than Morrowind and more soul than Skyrim.


On library but never played it
Any list of recommended mods? Just the basics