
This game had so much soul, the only bad thing about it really is how npc's look, otherwise just travelling around and turning off your hud looks amazing

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I never beat this game but I did spend countless hours closing Oblivion Gates and playing the dlc which was also great.

Shivering Isles is one of my favorite DLCs in any game

Yeah, the level scaling isn't an horrendous thing at all. Also, Oblivion's world is very interesting and profound in term of social and political structures and issues.
And following stupidly quest markers is so much fun.

You're the type of person to only fast travel between locations and never care look at your surroundings because you just want to finish the quest as soon as possible so that you can go and shit on it on Zig Forums. Yeah, you really got me there, bud.

Any mods to make the combat better? I tried playing this again but got bored of slashing a skeleton 999 times just to kill it.

shivering isles dlc is amazing
the worst part about it is the rest of the """""""""""""""""game"""""""""""""""""
oblivion is fucking garbage

Shivering Isles is an all time GOAT DLC and yes Oblivion is probably the best Elder Scrolls. More playable than Morrowind and more soul than Skyrim.


On library but never played it
Any list of recommended mods? Just the basics

>Offline MMO

Imperial City, home...

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Oblivion's combat was absolute trash. I'd honestly rather deal with morrowind's jankiness than play vanilla oblivion.

skyrim was better and anyone who says otherwise is a contrarian

Except people who say skyrim was better were literally born a couple of years before it was released and got filtered by a leveling system, kek.

user, the magic system was literally a straight downgrade from Morrowind. Which is why Skyrim's was better.


I've been doing a playthrough using an outdated version of Maskar's Oblivion Overhaul. What big modpack should I use when i'm done with MOO Zig Forums?

Man, I sure love all those unique Cyrodiil jungle environments.

The magic system wasn't a straight downgrade? Really? It was the exact same with a bunch of stuff removed (particularly the most fun spells like levitate and jump).
The only fun thing about Oblivion's magic system was literally a bug that they patched out (Army of Darkness).
And yes, Skyrim's magic was an improvement over Oblivions. If you're not going to have the fun spells from Morrowind, you can at least get rid of all the generic fucking blobs that made up the magic spells and add interesting and varried effects.

>this assblasted about an argument he has in every thread
seriously hope you're suicidal

if oblivions is a downgrade because of quantity then skyrim has even less so bait, plus oblivion you can cast at anytime rather than having to equip it and also you're a spacker and probably a zoomer/manchild brain

Lol no it didn't.


It does look good, yes. When you don't look in a distance.

Not really, Oblivion has shit LOD.

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Magic in Skyrim tickles enemies at higher levels and there's no way to improve the damage.

For nowadays standards, yes... brainlet zoomer.
Back then it blew everyone minds.

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no one cares loser

combat was bad. stiff and floaty, i unironically prefer morrowind dicerolls

>99% of quests are "ope left the golden claw in the draugr den"
Skyrim's quests blow

>Skyrim's magic was an improvement over Oblivions.
You're a retard, you can't even create spells in Skyrim... you know, pretty much the only fucking reason to bother with magic in TES at all.

>potato faced NPCs
>fuck ugly Armor and weapon design
>broken ass shit level scaling that made the base game barely playable
>Horse fucking armor dlc
I hate you faggots. Just praising this shit with empty words like "muh soul" only because it was released before Skyrim.
Hand yourselves.

unofficial patches + dlc + expansions
fighters guild quests
realistic marksman
crash fix
4gb patch
enhanced mounting combat
FOV modifier

and yet it still looks more unique than a lot of the games today and then

OP you're confusing soul for soule, the composer
TES4 was generic as fuck

>broken ass shit level scaling that made the base game barely playable
learn to play lol

>What are mods?
Seriously, most of the things people are bitching about ITT about Oblivion can be fix with mods...

Except for techical issues like constant crashing, because Bethesda is filled with fucking retards, and no mods can fix that, sadly.

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>Hand yourselves.

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Level scaling singlehandedly kills it, but modding can bring it back again.