Hyrule Warriors

What are you trying to say? Use your words.

Double Reppuken!

Fighting a Moblin now, it seems like you can do ANY of your heavies when it's marked to absorb. Which makes her a hell of a lot more versatile/mobile.

nigger tongue my anus

It needs, like, at least 3 buttons, maybe 4
Otherwise how are you going to feel like you're not just playing a game for children and that you're an epic DMC 4channeler?

Why is this game ripping off of Genshin Impact lmfao Nintendo is feeling threatened by a free game

Alright I'm killing you with Kindness.
*pulls out machete named "Kindness"*

And it has that many.

That's the price of wanting to release a game on every possible available platform.

all style no substance. Also
>it's just pressing O over and over again

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