Now that we're all about to die in a civil war, there is something i need to get off my chest

now that we're all about to die in a civil war, there is something i need to get off my chest...

sonic heroes is my favorite sonic game

Attached: sonichero.jpg (434x606, 44.53K)

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Since all Sonic games are shit (yes, even those on the Genesis) that doesn't say much. But good for you, I, guess.

I like you user. I'll kill you last.

sonic 06 isn't nearly as bad as people pretend it is. neither is mega man x6

Premy you ain't gonna die in a civil war, stop trying to find ways to shill Heroes, ffs you don't even live in the USA.

It's still really fucking bad.

It did some good things, but kinda felt like it was maybe 50% sonic game and 50% something else. Which isn't necessarily bad, considering modern boostshit, but it also has a lot of glitches you can trigger very easily, and they often take a lot of conscious effort to avoid breaking the game.

It needed more polish.

Eh. Vidya music with lyrics is almost always cringe. THIS is the best track in the game.

It still sucks though. Most of stages are boring as hell and the nonstop running segments are garbage when the stages can easily fuck you over

Ehhh it really overstays its welcome with the extra campaigns, if it were just the hero story it would be fine
There's no reason to play the same stage 4 times but slower, with more enemies and more collectables, 8 times if you go for 100%
But the main hero campaign is pretty good yeah

Good choice. For me, it’s Unleashed

That's not Frog Forest.

Well it's kinda better than SA2, but it's nothing compared to SRB2-Sama.

Attached: SA2Kneel.png (360x518, 225.56K)

Regardless of what it did well, I will never not despise the fact that it dropped the chao garden.

Chao garden was shit and I'm glad it's gone
I play sonic games to go through levels, not to babysit a goddamn toddler

Chao Garden was completely optional and doesn't get in the way if you just want to go fast you retard
fuck you you goddamn slave

Chao Garden just got ported to the Advance games instead.

I'll still go for Generations.
It's a greatest hits of Sonic, and since he's mostly a singles artist anyway, that works out.

Attached: COUSIN.jpg (481x480, 82.47K)

Generations was the beginning of nostalgia pandering, and was only a half good game anyway (the modern sonic stages) It's still a good game but not by any means the best.

Mega Man X6 is playable only because X and Zero control pretty much as flawlessly as in the past games and the music is good. Outside of that, I'll never touch that game again.

This, if it was just team sonic and had a lot more levels and better boss battles, I'd argue that it would be the best 3d sonic period.

The other teams can be unlockables.

I guess I'll confess a few sins myself, it's like that bombastic gumball cumjar from yesterday but slightly worse, but better contained.
>be 14
>get horny but don't know how to actually coom
>somehow leads to me waifufagging a cartoon character due to me being an absolute sperg
>who do i choose?
>penny from TAWOG (the peanut angel thing)
>look up fucking r34 of her and save it
>didn't know how to COOM, so i did something even more retarded
>fucking photoshopped bad 2015-2016 memes onto the no-no areas (this was when google+ was still a fucking thing)
>saved them on my PC then later deleted them when even my sperg ass mind decided they were pretty fucking gross
>showed a few of them to my closer friends (we were all spergs who fed off of "cringe" then so the results were surprisingly not as bad as they should've been)
>mfw my brain torments me with the memories of this shit
Honestly, the worst part is that I apparently wasn't alone in simping for that character. Good god.
Sonic 06 is honestly better played finding the glitches and bugs than actually taking the game seriously.

Attached: pain.jpg (1280x720, 61.43K)

If Corona winter and a Civil war are coming up, I'm gonna give my honest opinion too... I liked Sonic Adventure and I don't think Big's stages were all that bad.

Worst Sonic game, the controls are all janky, hit box is a mess and it's a noclipping fest pretty much anywhere in this game. Feels like they've handled down the responsibility of coding a Sonic game to trainees

nothing is gonna happen

Fuck man. I was jacking at 9, how didn't you know what to do?

Well to be fair, I knew what choking the chicken WAS, I just didn't really "get" the idea until later. Funnily enough, I started cooming just after I decided I was done with badly photoshopping memes onto nipples and cunts.

Attached: bobby.jpg (226x300, 11.7K)

Should have asked your parents to show you

But why? How could anyone say heroes is even in the top 5 of their favorite sonic games, let alone their favorite? Is it nostalgia?