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Video Games
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Video Games #5309
Video Games
When two Trainers' eyes meet, a Pokemon battle must begin!
Just got this free with PS+
Has anyone modded a rotating camera to see what she looks like naked?
You FUCKHEADS still playing No More Heroes?
I just learned that "Among Us" (which I have never played) is just that stupid normalfag "mafia" game (which I have...
Total war warhammer thread
Do you prefer a more realistic or stylized approach when it comes to game graphics?
Why don't moments like this happen anymore...
That one retard that replies 'Welp' and 'Yeah' to everything
Remember when video game characters were allowed to have stupidly proportioned bodies and no one got upset about it?
Why aren't there games where you just hunt and kill freaky monsters?
Where do you want the next Fallout game to be?
Constantly shills Nintendo
What were they thinking?
In a world where all the floors disappeared
So, what is it?
Dang, Ancient Greek women looked like this?
Which Harry Potter games are worth playing?
Final Stage
Scully, don't you think it's unusual that The X-Files hasn't had a good game in 27 years?
I'm not racist but why do black gamers like Kingdom Hearts so much?
Pick one
Salt and Sanctuary
Game of the year
Are there spoilers yet?
Be honest Zig Forums, do you like Pokemon?
Game of the decade (2010s)
How mad will zoomers be with Doran on the DeS Remake?
You're an employee at Vault tec tasked with coming up with experiments
What went wrong?
Microsoft is raising their PC Game pass plan to $10
Is it worth a playthrough...
Assassin's Creed: Valhalla will have a new character named Otta Sluggason who hits rocks really far with a club...
Gamer tats
You look a little under the weather
Is summoning salt modern youtube kino?
Crash 4 advertised as the big sequel to the first successful Crash games and remakes
Will you be playing Apex Legends on Steam? No need to use Origin and you can crossplay with c*nsolefriends too
Free steam code:
Post underrated vidya cuties
Reviewer is female
Why don't more people play Mordhau?
Are indie porn games the last games with a soul?
Did you beat Hell yet? I haven't beaten it
Was secretly pure kino all this time
He's not doing the hardcore Classic challenge
Wtf are these perportions?
Game is fun with friends
How do we stop simps and other microtransactions scums from destroying games?
Eroge dev here, currently working on a point and click adventure. What would you like to see in an adult videogame?
Now that the dust has settled who was really in the wrong here?
What did Fromsoft mean by this?
What's wrong with Infinite?
What's Tabitha's tax policy?
PS5 just won
Obligatory Sparda thread
Would you play an American West themed Soulsborne game? Everything from cowboys and indians to Route 66
So what's happening with the redone PC port...
Bros... It's over... Sony lost
Play her game
What do we think about Ethan Winters from the Resident Evil series?
Why it's so hard to make decent Sonic game?
Whos getting the best head?
Filename thread
GABE NEWELL: 58 year old, Kojima: 57 year old
What went wrong?
It has been a year since Terry Bogard was released as a guest character in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate...
Among Us: What does Zig Forums think are the most NEEDED updates for Among Us right now?
Just played this, you guys weren't kidding it is so fucking soulless. What went wrong...
My Xbox came early. This is fucking awesome. Anyone else get an early delivery?
Game caters streamers
Why did Plants vs Zombies die?
Made in abyss game when?
No More Heroes/Suda51
Videogame stereotypes your country
Spelunky 2
Why do most maps in Garry's Mod give me a creepy feeling? like a jump scare or some shit is going to happen at any time
15 hours of mandatory grinding
Why did this series fail to catch on with mainstream audiences?
Peaceful spots in games where you just like to chill
Patch 1.07 is here. Anisotropic filtering finally works
"Woo, Zig Forums!"
It's going to be shit, isn't it?
I've played Deus Ex vanilla, GMDX and Revision
Here are your starter pokemon
Was he right?
Watch Dogs: Legion (2020)
802.0GB free
This is the only game I am excited for and havent touched any other single player game in months because they all look...
Rate my collection pls
ITT: Good character development
ITT: the most boring games you've ever played
Yeah I main spy
Gal*Gun Returns Birthday Suit Edition announced
Guilty Gear Thread
Post icebergs
Dragon Quest Builders 2 Thread
Despite coming out several years earlier, the Sega Genesis is more powerful, more capable...
Draw a video game boss in MSPaint. Post results, other anons guess what it is
Take the 3DS pill
Why is the Nintendo Switch so souless?
Is he right?
USA could have been a lot better under his rule
Game has romance options
Why was it so influential?
What vidya girl that Zig Forums going to fap after NNN?
On this day in 2002, the PS2 saw the release of a brand new IP, called Ratchet and Clank...
Game asks you to print a 50 page manual first to be playable
AC Valhalla
Rush down boss with 2 handed longsword
Final Fantasy VII
I just rewatched edge of tomorrow few days ago. Is there any video games that gave pic related feels?
ITT: screenshots you took in games
Your anime games, I am taking them all
Cyberpunk 2077
Edge Magazine picks the best games of the generation
What video games invoke this emotion?
This game had some great bosses
Draw a girl
Why do contrarians want Raytracing to fail?
You made a speedrunner cry, Zig Forums
Imagine buying a console without a disc drive
It's not a coincidence that this game died the moment the developers decided to be edgy and post that skeleton on their...
Is shit, right Zig Forums? Tell me it's shit, I don't want to buy it
MGS2 summarizing modern America again
Xbox One S only has 364GB of useable space
This is the capital of poorland
Game is 10/10
The joke character is the most powerful one
I reached a point in my life where I just don't want to play games anymore
Ray tracing or not ray tracing
Post weird emotional connections you have to games
Do you miss him Zig Forums?
Describe your sex life with a videogame title
Is it good?
Just 6 more days until the most powerful console ever made
Have to wait a whole year for the next world tournament
Final Fantasy XVI
Vidya Zoomer nostalgia
Why her game is so bad?
This is the ideal female body. You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like
What weapons would Kratos have if he traveled to India to fight Hindu deities?
Can casually lock yourself into the triss romance while having only spent five minutes with yennefer the entiere game
RDR vs. RDR2
What type of chozo is this?
Permadeath games
Epic Fantasy XVI
Always take Metal Gear Solid 1 as some novel masterpiece with an intricate story
Games for this feel?
How do we save indie gaming?
Knock them down for oki
A china man royal guard
Games where the enemy is obviously cheating?
How was the player supposed to figure this out on their own?
Why does this video game character make my dick hard?
Have you ever been caught playing video games?
Darksydephil speaks
Sis asks you to show her your dick
Xbox SSD
That'll be $3.99. Do you want a bag with your purchase?
Pick Fire pokemon started
PS5 will support hardware accelerated raytracing
Civilization 6
Xbox series s has less than 400gb storage
Where the fuck is this song from...
ITT: Vidya girls only (you) care about
Have you ever considered streaming video games?
Post in real life bosses
SEGA Entertainment
Horror indie dev rage
Both Massachusetts and Alaska reject Ranked Choice Voting
Games for this feel?
I'm so tired of getting violently angry at video games
Sleeping gives stat bonuses
*destroys nvidia*
Its a "prosecution updates the autopsy report" episode
Sakuna of rice and ruin
Why is Sega allowed to get away with using the same map for 15 years?
Only 36 days left until GOTY
Play final fantasy xiv
When is the last time you went to gamestop?
Find a more kino video game cover
Game Idea Thread
Is twyrine good for you?
What's going on in this game?
Am I just small brained, or is this game just complicated as fuck?
Thoughts on Heather Mason?
Play PSO2
Press LB
*Ding dong*
Game is shit but you keep on playing for the cute girls
What to trolls smell like?
Its a masterpiece
How can Overwatch get big again?
The great debate
For what purpose?
You now remember splash woman
I saw this franchise brought up so many times in spook threads last month i think i want to give it a go...
Game lets you use and recruit enemy units
I can't believe we live ina world where you can actually get rich by playing video games...
Is it gonna be good?
Howdy. What can Easy Pete do for you
Zig Forumsidya Drawthread
Imagine Samus making you breakfast and sucking your dick under the table to completion before going to work/school
20 years ago
Futaba is best girl
Meanwhile in the Zig Forums tribe
I'm always hearing how Bloodborne is so damn good, and how everyone here begs for a PC port. Never played it...
Oh no
*ding ding*
Crash Bandicoot 4: It's About Time Thread
More video games should have anthropomorphic races interacting with humans
You're now an American citizen in MGS
Remember when Nintendo hardware was considered to be the most physically durable among game consoles?
Is nier actually good?
Why was he so mean to Puyo Puyo players?
Why has the DLC been so shit?
Post kino menus
Sony's censorship
Get free slave girl because in Past you saved someone involved in human slave buisness
When is Hytale coming out?
Why is this game so broken?
Pandering to coomers
I... *sniff* hate... *sniff* China! *sniff*
Darkest Dungeon
ITT Vidya character that did nothing wrong
Ps2 vs ps3 vs vita
What gacha game has the hottest girls and best gameplay?
Why is this game so fucking bad holy shit this is horrific...
All release on the same day
What went wrong Zig Forums?
Is this necessary?
What games does Stacey play?
Golden Deer was the best route and you know it
6 days to launch
Was this game good? Why or why not?
Five Nights at Freddy's
Battlestations thread
Heroforge thread
Is this game pretty good?
Went in expecting jolly zombie slaying
It's been one month, post your Genshin launch haul
Hey user, I heard you wanted Taimanin Asagi in your Fire Emblem Heroes so here you go
Sonic Thread
ITT: ">dad walks in" moments in vidya
Shitposting aside, is this actually good? I'm looking for a large rpg to waste time in and I already own it
Surely next Elder Scrolls would be greater than Chink gacha shit right?
Can we just talk about vidya?
Now that Battle for Bikini Bottom remake sold millions, what is the future of Spongebob video games?
Was it really that bad?
What does it taste like?
ITT: The Comfiest Source Maps
Are you ready to come back Zig Forums?
I only listen to Splatoon music
Games for this aesthetic?
This is supposed to be the hottest chick at her school? lol
DMC thread
Game Mechanics You Enjoy
Eggman was originally an insult to robotnick
What the fuck is up with the backwards compatibility Xbox 360 games...
Jrpg has a harem
Favorite game
Muse Dash is being review bombed on Steam
People said the crunch in Cyberpunk 2077 wasn't a big deal...
Thanks for beta testing, kiddies
Do you agree Zig Forums
Kancolle thread
Zer izh no raisin to fiht
Are you getting it?
We claim this board for the Greater Good
Drink coffee in game
User come play Final Fantasy XIV with us!
Post you're toons
Do you do the Spirit Temple or Shadow Temple first?
Came out 3 years ago
Absolutely fantastic game and a true testament to what the medium is fully capable of
Hat thread
Why did Belmonts decide a fucking whip would be their weapon?
ITT: Videogame characters people tell you you look like
What went wrong with this game?
With a small tugboat...
Watch dogs be like
ITT: IRL fallout enemies
Feels good to be a pirate, right piratebros?
Rapes you in your sleep
Phil just called me up personally. He said my Xbox is looking great and will be ready on release. What a great guy...
Call himself a gamer
Imagine jerking off your gun just to fire it
Bugsnax bros... we got too cocky
Goddamn this game is short as fuck. I'm so disappointed
Cool vidya robot thread
Where is the robot wars battle royale game?
What are some of the best crossovers in the history of vidya?
I hate this game
I want to talk about Kirby
This game is abysmal. I was so hyped to play it after seeing some lightsaber gameplay but FUCK was I disappointed...
Heavily modded or Vanilla?
This is the prettiest game I've ever played. Too bad it's complete shit in every other way
Explain to me how Zero is a villain other then muh free information
Anyone been playing Teardown? it's like Minecraft meets Hitman. really fun
Do you agree Zig Forums?
Oldfag neet otaku political bunker thread
Best adult/porn games?
Is anyone else playing Old School Runescape (OSRS) in 2020?
Why, Sony?
No More Heroes
What ruined Konami?
Why are indie video game developers like this? Thinking they are way better than one of the major AAA companies
Castlevania order of ecclesia
OH NO Zig Forums!
Trophy thread. What games are you currently working on? Have you platinumed anything recently?
What's the best Dynasty Warriors game?
Could the N64 controller have been designed better?
ITT: Top tier developers
Total war warhammer thread
This game is unplayable garbage
Muse Dash
No new first party games at launch or the rest of the year
Zig Forumsidya Drawthread
This is actually pretty good
This is the scariest moment of all time. I shit my pants every time
What is Japanese gamers' fascination with blonde white girls?
If someone had never played video games before what game would you tell them to play?
ITT: Cut / Beta content
You're playing GUILTY GEAR XX ACCENT CORE PLUS R right Zig Forums?
How can Star Fox be saved?
Why was this such a huge hit?
It's over. Genshin Impact is this month's best game
How come Sonic is more successful and iconic than Crash? They both went through the same shitty downfalls
Was FF6 a good game or was it just internet hipsters overrating it due to FF7s popularity?
I still don't understand how this shallow game is so popular
Hades Thread
Where is this cutie from? =)
Is Nathan Drake the luckiest video game character of all time?
Lets play soccer Zig Forums!
Aside from all the flaws that are commonly assosiated with DS2...
Why From dont make big robot game anymore
Bad games that Zig Forums tricked you into playing
Why do you do this? It happens in among us, smash threads. Why even waste the effort filling out captcha?
Another Rousing Round of Zig Forums Sketchful.io
Multiboxers btfo
Antagonist has a point
Name a franchise with more wasted potential than Pokemon
There he is! He's the one who called Uchikoshi a hack!
ITT: Games you are convinced that LITERALLY only you played
Daggerfall Unity is looking great
Fighting Game Supers
Now that the dust has settled, was her game good?
What are the manliest games? Games that are just filled with pure testosterone, name them
Japan Sonic good
Name a single better mage in video game history
Fortnite won
Game has better story
I've saved up enough cash and am buying the highest end PC on the market, what should I play first?
Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity
Play jackbox
"if you go west you're gonna lose dude"
Knight class character
Who are, in your opinion, the sexiest vidya characters?
Which city builder is the comfiest?
This is a PS4 game from 2014...
I thought I wasn't a weeb until I played this game
Frogs just leaked the trailer for the new Drawn to Life. Coming to PC, Switch, iOS and Android this december
364 GB of space
Black Souls
Thoughts, Zig Forums?
ITT: PC games that simply wouldn't work on consoles
When was the last time you truly felt happy when you played a new game? Like a little kid on Christmas?
Be honest do you turn down the difficulty if you have trouble with a boss?
Game has confusing character design
Whatever happened with her game?
I want to get married to Shadow the Hedgehog
Why aren't any platformers where you play as a quadruped animal...
Miles Prower
When you think of "alright video game" what comes to mind? For me it's DE: HR. It wasn't perfect...
FFVII Remake
Why did VC4 fail?
Playable Centauroids In Video Games
Who would win in a battle royale with all of the Mortal Kombat guest characters?
Dmc thread
Father! If I'm so good of a character, why aren't there any videogames to my name? You see, during the stone age
This is Doom but with RTX
What’s her name Zig Forums?
Was it really THAT bad?
Wach Dogs "Leak" Thread #2
What game has impressed you the most upon first playing?
The internet is about to become unusuable for a few days. So i wanna say i appreciate you Zig Forums
This game should be perfect for me as I love everything it's on paper, but in practice it bores me to death
Game is called Don't Starve Together
Why do people hate the Halo Infinite pistol?
This is a 10/10 in america
Do your classmates play vidya, Zig Forums?
/Battlestation/ thread?
Are we still pretending this game is bad just because it's popular?
Who would win in a fight?
Post your toon
Select a cheat code to enhance your dull life
What is it about this level that filters so many people?
Final Fantasy XVI
Zig Forums rate my chair
Who's your most shameful vidya fap?
You can only pick one
I work for a major tech company (yes you know them) who is working on entering the game console market...
Do politics really ruin games, or are people too thin-skinned nowadays...
How do you feel about yuri in video games?
ITT: games that scream SOUL
Okay when are these fuckers getting nerfed? They keep forking my pieces and you can't even stop them because they jump...
This wasn't very good
Ellie appreciation thread
What is this shit
How do you use custom songs in Vibri's game Vib-Ribbon?
Should boob physics become a thing of the past like save points and lives?
Creates monsters that are meant to be unkillable
How do I get good?
Total war warhammer thread
WoW Shadowlands
Girl acting like a male in Japanese game GOOD
Do you like Sheva Alomar from Resident Evil 5?
Here's the game that you wanted son
Bethesda upgrading engine for elder scrolls
CSGO is dead
Play Order of Ecclesia
Is it coming to PS4 November 19?
Why do Japs make the most repulsive designs to ever grace this Earth? Do they really need such tacky...
"Chocolate cake, Game Boy, and Me."
PS5 chads report in. Who got there PS5 confirmed for pick up or delivery on release date
Visual Novels are Video Games!
Shonen Jump crossover when?
What would you do if you had a super crown?
Fire Emblem
PS5 already has permanent price cut
Why is this game so fucking bad holy shit this is horrific...
How are you supposed to go through no nut november when best girl exists?
Worst game Zig Forums memed you into playing
Why isn't there a game that fully goes into Satanism and demonic shit...
In hindsight, was Dark Souls' PvP under appreciated?
Damn cyberpunk looks good
Why can't Japan do action games as well as the West?
Sequel thread
Well, Zig Forums?
Cloud Gaming on Switch
Has anyone noticed the pattern?
Sh*t I hate it
How to sell your Steam account?
How's that screwdriver sony?
Sonic 3 & Knuckles
7 years
Xbros... How do we defend against this?
Now that we're all about to die in a civil war, there is something i need to get off my chest
Game lets you make your own companions
Is there any other game that receives this ammount of love from the fans?
This.... is a ps4 game.... whoah
Final boss only has 3 phases
Sony exclusives from last gen can’t even run at a constant 60fps/native 4k on the ps5. What the fuck?
Super Smash Bros Ultimate x Danganronpa
Are you buying it?
What's her name?
Last threads
/smg/ stock market general
White peoples make me sick
I can't believe it he gave it a 4/10
Video Games
Brit/pol/ - Everyone's Lazy Edition
Dominion Voting orders Sidney Powell retract ‘baseless and false allegations’ or will sue
Zig Forums General Drawthread
UPDATE: Got vaccinated 3 days ago
/fr/ - Le francofil
Pay close attention to this
No Source = no Soul
Video Games
Ban big trucks
When an anglophone tries to speak a foreign language
Why don’t you own an AR-15?
You WILL take the vaccine