Game has confusing character design

>game has confusing character design

Attached: 1570787387245.jpg (800x800, 88.22K)

Dont know how you could see that as a mouth when it's clearly a moustache below. What I thought of was a little yellow horn for a nose


If people really thought it was the right one, I know get why there are so many retards here

Are you clinically retarded OP?

Maybe you're just retarded?

seething NPC's can't see what the character is actually supposed to be


>seething NPC's
Like OP?

>I didn’t checked my autocorrect therefore my argument is wrong

Ok cool bro

what the fuck do you mean by this?

how is his mouth fucking above his beard?

How fucking dumb are you?

sneed normaloid

ur dum

>OP gets told
>hehe I was pretending
Never gets old

Sorry your autism brain can't even peck out cartoon faces.

Nice bait OP. If you spend even ten seconds watching the character animated you'd see that the 'mouth' does not open and close or move as he talks however.

a reasonable mistake.

Attached: 1571675498591.jpg (1600x1200, 606.65K)

not an argument against the picture

incorrectly interpreting simple images is a sign of autism

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Attached: VIVI.jpg (1804x866, 346.99K)

Attached: Slakoth.png (600x200, 48.2K)

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>n-not an argument
Keep going OP you sure told em

absolute retards in this thread

Attached: 1571674688391.jpg (620x324, 61.3K)

It is because *normal* people basically see sea shanty Kirby and you're basically fucking retarded.

Attached: captain vidya 2.png (700x500, 115.04K)

Attached: 1571672934028.jpg (550x400, 146.9K)

Why are you spamming pictures now OP, we all agree you're fucking retarded

not the OP, and i only posted half of em, perhaps this isn't such a retarded claim after all.


sounds like a cope to me

I would never believe anyone claiming they actually thought that when you've seen too many bob-ombs before you meet him in TTYD to not know what their general template is.