What's the best Dynasty Warriors game?
What's the best Dynasty Warriors game?
Probably one of the Orochi games through sheer content.
Hyrule Warriors plays the cleanest though
Fackin ell look at them knackers
cut it out with the racism dude
8 with all it's completed assets.
u wot m8
ent rayciss jus don't like em
luv birds
luv knackers
simple as
Sengoku Basara
at the moment? 8
next year? probably 9 - empires since it won't be open world garbage that runs at 12fps, maybe
>OP asks DINASTY warriors
Gundam 3
Dynasty Warriors 5, objectively.
t. knacker lover
Based simple lad.
Is this what dynasty girls look like or was she a one off?
Damn, the Han chinese (now extinct) looked like THAT!?
Depends what you like.
majority of the cast is good looking. even the guys
8 is objectively the best. It plays exactly like the mindless action that everyone liked in 3 and 4, but it's better. Has hours and hours upon new content, an entire gamemode that's hidden away until after you build a castle. That alone takes 40 hours.
Any they stop calling Cao Cao, Cow Cow
I always loved the Gundam games, even though I never watched any Gundam series
I love you Dong Bai
DW5: Empires
She makes my dong hard.
It's good to be emperor.
What’s a DW game got that an Orochi game don’t got
Honestly very true.
that's a white women with a tan
I meant in regards to breast size.
It's literally perfect
Okay I actually enjoyed Strike Force.
oh, she's the only one with giant titties. 2nd biggest is probably
In terms of breast to body ratio Yuanji has some big ones as well. She's a tiny girl so it's less noticeable though.
Hyrule Warriors and soon Age of Calamity
I am disappointed.
3, 4, 7, and 8 are my favorites.
Has anyone played the Berserk one? Is it good? Is the new One Piece on good?
Extreme Legends 5
Berserk is good. Outside of the story though it's just really grindy so that side mode isn't for everyone.
How far into the story does it go?
I love Nami's huge tits so I hope it's good.
Millennium Falcon/Getting on the ship