Assassin's Creed: Valhalla will have a new character named Otta Sluggason who hits rocks really far with a club...

>Assassin's Creed: Valhalla will have a new character named Otta Sluggason who hits rocks really far with a club, voiced by Dodger 1B Cody Bellinger

I can't even find the fucking words for this...

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What the absolute fuck is wrong with Ubisoft man, all they had to do was make a kino Viking game that lets you pillage old england, wed many wives and go on Voyages and I would've bought it day 1. Fucking kikes.

>it's real
What the fuck are they smoking over there?


Turner is due

i went to school with him.
didnt know him though

Thanks, Facebook-kun.

Literally who?

Fucking lol.

Literally a dude who won the World Series of baseball last week.

I haven't bought a Ubisoft game since Blood Dragon.

God damn FUCK los doyers.

Salty Asterisks fan?

Seething barfs atlanta choke fan


who did they play against? I usually watch each year but it didn't really cross my mind this time.

Tampa Bay Gays.

If this was a Japanese game Zig Forums would cream themselves over how epic and wacky and soulful it is.

and? no one cares about this small sport and no one knows this literal who

>all they had to do was make a kino Viking game
Making an actually good and soulful game is borderline impossible for these niggas. Ubisoft has become one of the most soulless shit-tier devs in the industry.

>non-canon season


Nobody was talking about the Asstros

>video game prices are going up
>it's not to make better games
>it's to pay for all the celebrity appearances that the marketing team insist on including in the game

>Doyers finally win it all after 32 years and like 2 billion dollars
>It's in the literally who COVID season

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I'm more surprised that people still play Assassins Creed games, honestly.

>so it's only canon if you cheat?

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Well, Origins was actually good. Better than most of its predecessors. From 3 until Origins was shit.


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Why would you climb a pyramid like that?

game where you're only allowed one mistake?

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Thanks for pulling Snell early, guys. We really appreciate it.

Baseball is fucking brutal. Especially now that it's a TTO memefest.

>the STATE of the Assassin's Creed franchise

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Black flag was a really good pirate game.

Black Flag is the best AC so fuck you

He's an outfielder

He actually plays both. They had him mostly in the OF for the World Series, though.

JT would have made a great viking

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Turner is a ginger faggot.

Based black flag hivemind.