What the fuck is going on with treyarch and this ridiculous filesize?
they want to own the majority of your drive space
285 gigas of pure garbage, great fucking work gayarch
if this file size is for all platforms then that means cold war will be the only game you're installing on series S as its only got a 360GB storage space.
based presador
>Browns fan
into the trash it goes
This. The bigged COD is, the less other games you can have on your drive, thus the more likely you'll play more COD.
AAA devs do this intentionally to muscle out other games on your HDD
>extra work compressing and optimising their game
>force you to play only their game and you have to spend more money if you want more storage for other games
It's so people don't want to delete it when they are done because they don't want to redownload it.
Yeah, Series S is a bad buy, I expect them to quietly discontinue it after a year or so. It's only out there as a cheaper alternative to PS5, anyway.
Welp. Looks like I’ll be skipping call of dooky this year.
how big will aaa games be by the end of the gen? I’m guessing ~500gb
that's like nearly half the available storage lmao
>tfw 119gb ssd
>max of 70gb of free space
It seems like they would probably just sell a terabyte unit before they dc it desu. Microsoft supports platforms for a while unlike something like google
Fucking hell
is it even worth it lads?
I can't wait for it to be over 300 GB total lmao
Well, you could be right, if they knock $100 off the price and bump the storage up whenever NVME prices drop it could be okay for a bedroom gamepass/streamer
I tried to warn you but you wouldn't listen
"file sizes will get smaller because of the SSD" you said
now you can only fit two games on your next gen console
I thought sad was gonna decreasw sizes because they have to put in less duplicate models and stuff?
COD? Never.
I really question the storage space real estate meme. I think more people are put off by having to make space or wait for huge downloads than try to preserve space for one game unless they're absolutely obsessed.
Haven't played in a while and seeing it being co developed by Raven has me interested.
I guess this is really the icing on the cake, because the game itself looks like dogshit even to casuals. Most are sticking to MW19 so this game really will not sell at all.
Raven has been a CoD support studio for over a decade
>dev: sir, the black ops cold war beta is ready
>publisher: aight how big is it?
>sp, mp and zombies total at just 50 GB
>lmao 60 GB make it 300 GB
>t-three hundred? h-how? why?
>just do it faggot, we need to hijack those consoles
>no one will download all that, sir
>cod fans are addicted to our shit, they'll pay up gladly, now get to work
You are severly underestimating the retardedness of normalfags
you overestimate the iq of cod players
>300 gigs or for the same shit formula from a decade and a half ago
Amazing, consoomer really are like flies aren't they
Not only is it starting at 285 GBs, it's going to get bigger, and you typically need double the free space to get updates to go through (at least on PS4).
Jesus, I knew the 825 GB was a meme of an undersized storage, but I thought it would take a couple years to get exposed.
Why the fuck do companies refuse to optimize their games anymore?
It's either being too lazy or too incompetent to compress their games, or the more sinister reason, to take up market space on your platform. Does cawadoody have a cash shop? I haven't played them in years.
T. patriots "fan"
of course it has a fucking cash shop
Isn't there some non-4K version that people can download or something like that?
Based and Redpilled
This. Live Service Games will try everything to steal all of your time. Bloat the size so you won't be able to play anything else, fill it with battle passes and seasonal events to trigger FOMO then shove in microstransactions at every single turn to steal your money as well. Multiplayer AAA games in 2020+ are a scam.
>MW: 240 GB
>BO: 285 GB
Reminder CODcucks will put up with this.
Name a more despicable fandom.
wait was MW19 actually 240GB? apex kek
LMAO that's more than half of your entire SSDs memory.