>Father! If I'm so good of a character, why aren't there any videogames to my name? You see, during the stone age...
How do you respond?
>Father! If I'm so good of a character, why aren't there any videogames to my name? You see, during the stone age...
How do you respond?
>Chris will die in our lifetime
To think I used to laugh at him when I was a teenager. Now I can't help but feel very sad about his entire life. It's unfair, everything was against him. Himself included
Shigeru Miyamoto is working on it
stay tuned
was it really autism?
Sheer envy. The Japanese are incredibly jealous that they didn't come up with Sonichu and are doing everything to prevent his game coming out.
The interesting thing is when his mom dies and how he copes (or doesn't cope) with it, and how well his parents prepared him for that (Paying off the house and bills, etc).
a grown man having a stupid young child's fantasy of making a character. Yes
like any comic or vidya character ever
How will he survive without Barbara
Because Magi-chan is you but psychic, he's getting the game
Someone on Kiwifarms will adopt him.
Very poorly. He might have alot of unpaid bills and live in a pig sty but at least he can drive and buy food so he'll survive.
Looking back at his really, really old stuff, he actually doesn't seem that bad. Especially compared to what he's become now.
He had this sense of childlike innocence to him before this all began. Sure he was a pest, but I think he could have lived a mostly happy life, apart from the virginity, just chilling in his room playing video games and MLP. But nowadays he's an absolute dumpster fire.
I always wonder what his life would be like if the internet hadn't fucked him around for the last decade and a half.
>You see, during the stone age...
post it, I want to laugh
Among other things, yes.
>used to go to school with chris
>always knew he was at least a little gay and suspected he was trans
>im also gay
>used to be attracted to him
Did i dodge a bullet
autism and getting fucked with alot
>When Chris was seven, Bob converted a shed in the backyard of 14 Branchland Court to a workshop where he and Chris could build things together, dubbing it the "dreaming studio". Chris could not recall what they had built together when asked about it in the years following Bob's death; he and Barb had been using the space for hoard storage.
I'm sure his life would still be terrible whether or not the trolls did anything. His parents set him up for failure straight out of the gate.
Chris is weird. He just makes me sad now but I literally can't stop checking in on him. I do feel bad though. Some of the trolling he got was just light fun but a lot of the people went way too hard on him, especially considering he was a pretty harshly autistic guy. He literally couldn't know better in a lot of cases. Not to say he never did anything wrong but damn, people like Bluespike went way too far with him.
Liquid Chris was funny though, especially because besides freaking Chris out a bit he was pretty harmless.
>Genuine retards raising an autist
Now that would be worth a laugh, might even make for a good final arc. Anything involving self-righteous kiwifags is guaranteed to be funny
chris was always going to turn out this bad even if Zig Forums didn't fuck with him. HE was a racist manchild before Zig Forums fucked with him and now he is trans and gay because he could not get a girl.
>Genuine retards raising an autist
It would just be a retread of the Bob and Barb arc
Liquid wasn't harmless, he was working with Kacey to gaslight Chris.
Kacey is just female Chris sans the autism.
I don't know, even though his life would still be shit by most measures I think he'd still be comfortable holed up in his room by himself with all of his shit. Until his parents kicked the bucket, anyway.
I mean thats just what happens to most NEETs in general. For a guy with serious autism its even worse
Imagine if Murata were to adapt his comics or the guy who made Tails gets trolled. Pure kino
tails gets trolled is getting a different sort of adaption
Here is the problem
>chris is only famous cause of Zig Forums
>has a history of e begging and using fame to get stuff he needs for himself and family.
>he cannot hold a job down even before the fame even tho he finished college.
he is only only alive today because of the shitlord fame he has that keeps food in his mouth and government help.
Jesus even the house his father left him was fucked by chrischan and his mom and now they will loss it.
>in bed with now ex girlfriend
>she’s working I’m procrastinating, have the cwcki pulled up and that picture is showing
>girlfriend looks over and exclaims user OH MY GOD WHEN WAS THAT TAKEN
>Huh? What? That isn’t me!
>What? No! It’s just a random guy! I’m just browsing the Internet!
I almost killed myself
you probably should
You first, amigo. I’m right behind you.
That's a good point. Now I'm even more curious to see the alternate universe where Zig Forums never fucked with him.
As for my personal favourite mongoloid Ulillillia, he's doing better than ever.
>alternate universe where Zig Forums never fucked with him
still be bad since barbra never got him help. take everything chrischan did that people recorded him doing and just take the recordings away. He would still do the same shit but people won't know anything about it
sry i am not an avatar of chris chan