Why is no one talking about how great this implementation of an SSD is? You can plug in or swap the card within seconds and immediately start playing the games on it. If you run out of space, you can just buy a new one and add it to your cumulative collection of storage. Compared to the PS5 solution for an extra SSD this is incredible, since on the PS5 you'll have to turn it off and go through numerous steps to put in an SSD, thus making it so if you ever want to upgrade that component, you'll have to throw away your older SSD. The price of these SSD cards is comparable with the spec of SSD Sony requires, and it's non proprietary since MS stated that they'll work with different manufacturers, and might possibly bring this port (which has existed before the XSX) to the PC with their Velocity Architecture.
Xbox SSD
Cause the Xbox is priced at $220 for extra SSDs. Sony fags were shitting on xbox S specifically because of this limitation that console is going to come across. Meanwhile Sony's vastly wilder compatibility with SSDs that will also progressively get better throughout the years ensures maximum speed. Microsoft will always be a step behind this gen in the memory department since they have to be official cases / third party approved. Sony wins as its standard PC fair.
>$220 Seagate SSDs
>bring it to pc
lol no
youll use usb4 and sd express like a normal person
You won't win on this edge at all, just focus on the best xbox version if you want to shill for its raw power and eventual compatibility with possible top grade SSDs for a half a year or bit of potential superiority before being left behind the rest of the year till another one comes out.
>Proprietary hardware
Xnigs are retarded
That's me being generous though, to break even they usually sell a version of a console device for 2-3 years. They aren't targeting upgrade enthusiasts with normalfag after all.
It's just fat fucking ass memory cards
wider. Also you dumb faggot, PS5 owners have to get a drive that is the correct speed or it won't even work.
I don't remember being able to install games to my memory cards.
Speed is not an issue in this gen, amount of storage is. And again, by the time you'll run out of fast storage for your modern games, these SSDs will probably be cheaper and you'll just add it to the pile to swap in and out whenever you want. Let's say I bought a PS5 and already bought a 1TB PCIE 4 NVME M.2 SSD, a year or so from now when I run out of space and want to upgrade that, I'd have to buy a drive that's bigger than 1TB otherwise it would be pointless, in addition the 1TB drive I had is now useless because I can't easily swap it in.
>bring this port to the PC
Do you want:
a) external SSD using a USB-C port
b) external SSD with a connector 4x the size. So instead of 4 USB-C ports, you get one, which can only be used for a single purpose, when laptops barely have two USB-C ports
It's actually not a bad price for the quality of storage.
I suspect if they sold a 500GB version at half the price it would seem much more reasonable.
Forgot to reply
What meme Is this? Isnt the primary ssd fucking soldered on ps5? And the expansion for secondary storage Is the same pci-e 4 slot, only internaly?
>Why is no one talking about how great this implementation of an SSD is?
Because it's not?
It's not the most common M2 format so it's factually not the best option.
>swap the card within seconds and immediately start playing the games on it. If you run out of space, you can just buy a new one and add it to your cumulative collection of storage.
You know you're talking about constantly swapping between multiple $200+ SSDs as if you would ever get multiple ones like you would with 5th/6th gen memory cards.
That scenario is never going to happen, for that money you might as well just build a PC. Just getting a XseX + 2 1TB SSDs = nearly $1000.
If you're so retarded to the point where you can't uninstall games like a normal person, you'd actually just buy a much cheaper external SATA SSD as bulk storage and connect it via USB on either XseX or PS5 to transfer games to and from the main SSD's. NOT buying the most expensive possible SSD's and hotswap between them.
>since on the PS5 you'll have to turn it off and go through numerous steps to put in an SSD
""""numerous steps"""" = removing a plastic bit and screwing a single screw. Wow that was hard.
>thus making it so if you ever want to upgrade that component, you'll have to throw away your older SSD
What the fuck are you talking about? PS5's internal SSD in on the MOBO just like XseX's. The place you expand storage on PS5 is a separate one, you don't "throw away" your old SSD. Furthermore PS5's SSD format is the exact same as your PC so you wouldn't throw any SSD out, you'd simply put it on your PC or vice versa - unlike MS's SSD which at minimum you'd have to break the surrounding plastic shell if you even want to use those one PC.
Overall what a retarded post
USB C introduces latency and wouldn't allow for direct PCIE access unless you'd be thinking of USB 4.0/Thunderbolt. It could be put on ATX sized boards easily if they get rid of a few of the 6+ audio jacks and shift around a port or two. Technically they could also release an adapter to put on one's desk for example, but then you're stuck with the USB overhead again.
Sell me on why I should buy a Series X if I already have a PC and Sony has better exclusives?
Shit response post.
>single screw
Incorrect, turn off console, take off stand (obscures side plate in both orientations), take off the side plate, unscrew the shielding screw, unscrew the M.2 screw, put in the SSD and screw it down, screw shielding back on, put the plate back on and push it into its latch and lastly put the stand back on. That's a lot.
>no one will ever have more than one SSD
Incorrect, console generations last for many years, seeing how the limited amount of storage already being the biggest pain point of this generation with how large game installs are and how they require the fast storage, I see people willing to get an extra card of these every few years, which will be cumulative storage instead of replacing your storage as with PS5.
>much less options
For now, they already stated they'll work with other manufacturers down the line.
False, comparative storage and what is required for the PS5 (PCIE GEN 4) is priced at the same value.
>can we talk about how great this incredibly overpriced sluggish 2gb/s proprietary storage is?
There is zero reason to have a port that huge when, as you say, USB4/TB can do as good a job. Why were ExpressCard and PCMCIA dead again? Even if for some reason the size is acceptable, why not just use an external m.2 port? Like eSATA
Why caring about additional storage anyway?
You guys have fast internet don’t you?
I just deinstall shit I’m finished with and download it again when I want to replay it
Console games are around 100GB large if not more. Even on fiber that takes over an hour.
>That's a lot.
Still more simple than doing it in a PS4, also something that only happens once in a whole decade/gen for 95% of consumers. A single storage expansion is by far the most common thing to happen (in fact the most common thing is not expanding at all). I have no clue why you're making it out to be something that happens every couple of months, is your head ok?
> I see people willing to get an extra card of these every few years, which will be cumulative storage instead of replacing your storage as with PS5.
The concept of uninstalling doesn't exist in your bubble world, apparently. I know of no one who has expanded multiple times per gen. And you know that unlike Xbox, PS5 has options right? You can just get a 4TB SSD in about a year (once you actually need one) if you're that autistic, instead of buying 4 1TB SSDs.
>For now, they already stated they'll work with other manufacturers down the line.
No, for always. I said "less options", not "no options". PS5 will ALWAYS have 15x more SSDs to chose from because it's the most common form factor in the world. Doesn't matter if MS brings 3 or 5 more suppliers into the fold, PS5 still has all of the suppliers because it's simply not prorietary in any way (like MS adding a plastic shell). On PS5 day1 you already have multiple size options despite these SSDs just now coming out. You can already buy 2TB, for example. Of course you'd be stupid to expand so early at these prices, but I'm sure your autism knows no bounds.
>False, comparative storage and what is required for the PS5 (PCIE GEN 4) is priced at the same value.
Point being that PS5 SSD's will decrease in price much faster (not mentioning many more promotions in various places). You cannot compete with the most common format, sorry.
>Sony's vastly wilder compatibility with SSDs
>still not a single current ssd is compatible
>over an hour.
Oh no!
1gbit Internet it takes about 15min. You don’t have Time to wait 15min and instead buy multiple 200+$ SSDs?
The worst thing is the Series S anyway, ssd or not.
Developers will have their games build around that one and will just upscale to 4k for the better console.
Microsoft made a dumb decision with that one.
Should have just remove the disc drive in an other similiar console like sony did
>every couple months
Didn't say that, I said several years.
>Xbox storage has no options
Incorrect, already stated that there'll be other manufacturers for it.
>I didn't say no options
Literally two sentences above the shit you just sperged:
>"unlike Xbox, PS5 has options"
>storage for PS5 will decrease faster
You don't know that, who says they won't lower the cost as bigger storage formats come out, or when the sales are lacking? You're talking out of your ass and state it as a fact.
Autist made the thread again.
Literally the first thread I made in months.