Listen user. Spiders are not just bugs. They are your friends.
Please do not bully them.
Sequel thread
Other urls found in this thread:
Lec was made for bullying.
noja smarrel
Impregnating the noja
I'm at the Arena and starting to feel difficulty rising. Going strong for Uula.
Is there a way to edit in more skill points for Blight? I'm assuming the save editor could work but I don't see anything relating to skill points.
Why did her eyes change color noja.
I would assume you can do so with any old save editor or cheat engine.
Her eyes glow when sperm penetrates her eggs
I really assume it's when she's in heat.
>Lec is one of the only characters to be in all three games
Fuck off shill with your FOTM garbage.
There’s one in every thread
Dare me, Paul
Man, the slime and yukionna scenes were pretty cool. Are the monster scenes labelled in the gallery as "lose a certain fight" missable if you win those certain fights, or those monsters just respawn like in the Killer Maiden case?
Based wild quotation schizo.
games tells you outright a soon you meet one
lose proceed to scene, wins proceed game normaly and monster respawn a soon you re-enter area
Nosh is not meant to be angry
It's handled a little differently in awake and colony. In those games, they outright tell you when you'll need to lose a fight. They're definitely not missable in any of the games though.
God her scenes were the fucking best. I need a giant shark wife
Uulakistan is with you, user
Is there a gift guide somewhere? Because I can't find one.
The wikis have them. For blight it’s in the その他 section
Just started the first game.
Any tips and tricks, do's and don't for this game.
I dont mind early, mid or endgame tips.
Is grinding really reliable?
I dont mind grinding.
>F1 is the rpgmaker options, F5 to view past dialogue (conversation log), F12 is soft reset
>The A key lets you read item descriptions in the menu. Colored items have special effects
>You can use a controller
>Queen's Royal Bind is the best skill in the game
>Grinding isn't really required until the postgame. It's pretty easy to grind in the main story anyway.
>Read the bin
Also one thing about sequel blight. if you want to marry Fake-Rabi, make sure to meet him in chapter 1 and then choose him after every chapter. For the main girls, you just need to get them to 50 favorability before the end of the game.
Make sure you do 100% events for the best experience too. I recommend doing this for every game in the series, and there aren't any missables either.
The land of cocoons is a war torn country in constant conflict between the Rhino and Stag beetle factions.
>The book can be grabbed from the other side of the shelf
>There are 3 skill trees in Colony
>You must talk with Fake Rabi after each chapter if you want his lore and to marry him
After the war ends, the spider faction will claim victory over the both of them.
Will Kludge's trap carry on the tradition of smug traps?
He's confirmed yandere and clingy, I'm not sure if we'll have a smug trap this time.