Can casually lock yourself into the triss romance while having only spent five minutes with yennefer the entiere game

>can casually lock yourself into the triss romance while having only spent five minutes with yennefer the entiere game
What mongoloid thought this was good game design? Why not put the trigger for the Triss romance available after you've spent a few more mandatory quests with Yennefer? Terrible game design.

Attached: triss yen.jpg (1280x718, 88.99K)

>Triss is there for you the whole time, even letting herself get tortured for Ciri's sake
>Yen is a nigger throughout the whole thing and doesn't spend any time with you
All you need to make a choice

What? You're only "locked into" the romance if you fuck one of them.
It's not a gameshow you retard. You don't pick your favorite out of a line

>one looks like yen
>the other looks like this

Attached: yuck.jpg (1361x1437, 503.14K)

>What mongoloid thought this was good game design?
The Trissfag and Yennefer hater devs.

Anti-Trissposting doesn't work. The babes of Witcher 3 are too photogenic

Reminder that Triss literally sold Ciri into sex slavery

Yes and if you reject Triss at the boat then you never get a chance to romance her again, it's over, and you're given this pivotal one time choice having only spent five minutes with Yen the entire fucking game unless you went to Skellige prematurely instead of finishing up Novigrad like a normal player would do.

oink oink

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>tried to fugg triss but too autistic to bag evena vidya gf
>fall ass backwards into good ending with yennefer

god is good

>be geralt
>try to get both triss and yen
>they found out and tie you to the bed and get upset
>meanwhile yen cheated on Geralt several times
>triss literately tried seducing him while she was best friends with yen and they were together
>she also took advantage of his amnesia

>several times
Name 2

this one is best girl anyway and it sucks that she can't be your permanent waifu but whatever at least we get to fuq her

Attached: muh waifu.jpg (640x360, 36.53K)

literally modelled after a tranny

Geralt fucks everybody. Whores included.

I see the problem here, you self-inserted. There's actually a whole series of books covering the backstory in which the characters and their relationships are explained in more detail. By the beginning of Witcher 3, Geralt has his memory back, so he knows about Triss and Yen and which one he wants. That's what you were supposed to role play as. You weren't supposed to be meeting these characters for the first time in this game.
Still, the fact that you fucked Triss by choosing those dialogue options with the little hearts on them was obviously going to cause problems if you also intended to fuck Yen. Geralt is smooth but not that smooth.

I wish CDPR hadn't cucked out of the threesome ending.

The books are garbage Game of Thrones-tier pleb fiction. The games are the only things that matter.

>Game of Thrones-tier
They are finished and good. They can't be Game of Thrones-tier.

And yet you cucked yourself out of the ending you wanted

I havent read them yet but you reek of a retarded brainlet who has never probably touched an actual classic in your life and yet you go around frothing at the mouth talking about how X book is "shit" without any clue on the subject

the general consensus seems to be that sapkowski is a very good writer outside of confusing and mediocre action sequences and that the original text loses a lot of its quality the more you translate it to languages that dont even resemble polish

My beef with his books is sometimes it's confusing as to who is speaking.

like I said, i havent read them yet but even that sounds like it might be an issue of losing too much from the original text if the polish version uses very particular word choices and sentence structure to differentiate characters a lot without constantly including dialogue tags. Im not saying that polish is some masterwork language thats too complex to translate but they can still be shit translations that people are reading. Most northern european and eastern languages are deceptively hard to translate properly and I wouldnt doubt that someone mangled the witcher translations since it wasnt some international blockbuster series until the games came along

Didn't he sperg out and sue CD Projeckt for not giving him royalties after they literally offered him royalties several times and he told them to fuck off every time?

He took a really shitty deal initially and sued for a better one because he gave zero fucks about video games.

>after they literally offered him royalties several times and he told them to fuck off every time
No, that's bullshit. It's part of the fake good guy image.

All witcher waifus are literal whores. No idea why anyone would care about them

Imagine ever picking the bislut Triss.

Yeah they forgot burgers are unable to read books

Sapkowski is one of the best if not the best polish prose writer

Well Poland produces inbred smooth brains so there's nobody of note in that country, not a hard accomplishment.

>triss lies to you and mind rapes you for 2 games
>hurrrrr what about durrrrrr
Retarded trissfag.

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Can't argue with that desu, still he writes more aesthetically than Martin

You mixed up Poland with USA.

>tries to fuck both love interests in a story driven game and gets the loser ending
>loses his argument on Zig Forums about bad game design
>successfully derails his own thread by shitting on a series of books be hasn't read
fair play

>>triss lies to you
So does yen

>mind rapes you
so did yen when she first met Geralt.

Triss at least saved Geralt's life. When it came time for Yen so save Geralt she fucked up and ended up dying herself

>so does yen
>so did yen
Also false.

Any other lies you wish to spout, trissfag?

Why does she look like a dude instead of like her concept art? Is this the point where CDPR got pozzed?

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