Favorite game

>favorite game
>height weight and bmi
Team fortress two
176 cm, 57 kg, 18.7 bmi
yes i main scout shut up

Attached: enjoy your overwatch.jpg (960x985, 67.08K)

City of Heroes
6ft 250lbs

idk bmi

Halo 3
199 pounds, but I've lost 8 in the last 4 weeks so I'm hopefully not going to be a fat fuck in a few months.

New Vegas
6' 453 lbs 61.4 bmi
I'm kind of a big deal.

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291lbs (mostly muscle)
i main heavy obvi

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Cave Story
191cm, 112kg, 31bmi
Not sure if BMI counts body types because my shoulders are like 60cm apart and my calves are the size of bicycle seats.

>scout main is a manlet

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Mega Man Zero 3
6'2" 265 lbs

my second most played is sniper bro.
Hitscan is comfy

I always taunt after every bodyshot kill

Blood Bowl 2
17.2 BMI

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>says sniper of all people

Oberwatch Mystery Heroes
5'11", 220lbs

lmao why the fuckndoes v have so many manlets? 6'7" master race reporting in

Height: 6'11
Weight: 200 lbs of pure muscle
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Blue
Dick size: 11 inches
My favourite videogame? I don't play them

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Why are you mutts so obsessed with blondes anyway? I never really understood that.

>a mutt

Sorry, I'm guessing you're Indian, then?


guess my game

Fallout new vegas
5'5 410 lbs

dwarf fortress

nope, keep trying

>cuckold simulator

idk wtf bmi is nigga

Dark Souls

5"3 320 lbs

spy main
forgot weight
bmi of 17 last time i remembered

5'11 23 BMI
need more muscle desu

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Favorite game
Hard to say but in terms of online fps with best shooting
>rising storm 2
>6'4 255 pounds


6'0, 150lbs

>tfw I have skinny arms, chicken legs and a small gut
please help

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Path of Exile
5'11" (180cm)
126 lbs (57kg)
17.6 bmi

>Paper Mario TTYD
>6'2", 190 lbs, and 24 BMI

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Lobotomy Corporation