Do politics really ruin games, or are people too thin-skinned nowadays...

Do politics really ruin games, or are people too thin-skinned nowadays? How can you hate politics in vidya when they've always existed since the medium began?

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>no rebuttals
Guess I'm right then.

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real life politics ruins anything

and no, thats just your opinion cumstink

there's games that have political themes in there, like FFXII

and then there are games that basically have current events in there and/or outright parodies of shit political figures.

People hate #2

It's true, Donald Trump downplaying and mismanaging COVID 19 ruined everything

covid panickers ruined everything

people have been parroting this retard take for years when it's already been explained
so i don't even think it's a matter of people being thin skinned, they're just autistic fucking retards who enjoy repetitive arguments

>Do politics ruin games?

No. Politics and deeper ideas or themes can provide a lot of meat to a game's story or setting. Even stories or settings with a definitive slant or idea about who is right in a situation can be fine. The issue is when the game has little or nothing else and is so heavy handed, poor, pandering, and one sided that it comes off as an angry or self satisfied diatribe.

>are people too thin-skinned nowadays?
Nah, but social media exists and it emphasizes and elevates the most insane and stupid positions and beliefs to the greatest heights. You see the crazy fuckers and they have a lot more sway then they used to since people fall for the lie that people they see on twitter are representative of the whole.

Some of it can be stupidly hamfisted. I for instance immediately become less interested in a game, if the skin color or gender of the character is pushed as a selling point. Some of my all-time favorite games include the OG Tomb Raider series, The Longest Journey, and Beyond Good & Evil, so this isn't even about me having some autismal revulsion, it's just that I rather the game just have a good character, rather than marketing trying to convince me. Hell, I ended up playing Control despite all the manface reee-ing, and despite Jessie's face looking wonky at best, her behavior and personality were perfectly fine and her quickly-growing interest in the Bureau was endearing.

The same applies to every other faces people lump in with politics. I can roll with tons of different ideas, just try and make sure it's interesting and it's not so bad that it feels like the devs are trying to talk directly to me across the screen. Then again, I also realize that this isn't necessarily a majority opinion these days, unfotunately Zig Forums has had a lot of people who (ironically or honestly) behave almost exactly like retardera and comb through the twitter of every dev and associated person, to find something to be mad about.

Thanks for reading my blog.

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>How can you hate politics in vidya when they've always existed since the medium began?
Because today's politics are fucking gay, and politics were less fucking gay in the 90s and 00s.

I don't like reference to contemporary politics because the instantly date the game, or petty moralizing like it's a post-cartoon PSA from the 80s because that's lazy garbage
Having politics in a game and trying to explore issues can be good but most of the time it's simplistic trash
e.g. nuWolfenstein 2 opening with a disclaimer that the dev don't support Nazis. that's a bad sign because they're thinking about contemporary politics while making a retro-future FPS about robot dogs and Venus bases and shit
>why does that imply they're think about comtep politics?
because the other 5 games in the series didn't have that warning because they clearly didn't need it
You clearly just want to talk about american politics so here's a take on that
A lot of people who complain about jokes/references to Trump are tired that the same 3 or 4 jokes have saturated culture for 5 years, and saying you're sick of hacks seething about a politician in another country somehow makes you a bad person
There are funny jokes about him but they sure as shit aren't made in the main stream, because in the mainstream it's nothing but thinly-veiled rage
to make a joke funny, you have to intended for it to be a joke not a political statement said smugly
Also the messaging may just be boring like Gundam
also this is a good post, it's partial about a rejection of idpol imo

finally, this thread is gay and i;m saging. ban me janny

People don't hate politics in video games, people hate propaganda in video games.

>here is an issue
>here are multiple different viewpoints on that issue
>here are the arguments for it
>here are the arguments against it
>now what do you think?
That's politics.

>here is an issue
>everyone who disagrees with my opinion on it is evil and stupid
>I made the villain look like this political candidate I don't like
>if you don't buy my game you re a bad person
That's propaganda.

Depends. The literal “Androids Lives Matter” phrase in Detroit Become Human was a little too blatant for me.

I don't think it gets much dumber than aug lives matter in deus ex. You know, that entirely elective surgery.

God I wanna fuck Ratchet in his asshole.

Also that time literally ever single one started killing people for no reason. Probably not a comparison they should've drawn

So basically every game that has a hero and villian

its because devs are extremely stupid. they are incapable of creating a story that dives into nuances of different perspectives and opens your mind to things that could happen or be happening in real life and their consequences.

what they can create are strawmen that are created to resemble their dumb media driven boogey men and say or do outrageous shit.

it would be like the main character being a wimpy white guy and the evil antagonist is barrack obama except with slightly longer hair and the obama character is trying to drone strike every being that isn't black and also poison the water system to cause every pregnancy to abort. meanwhile all of the antagonist's regular enemies are thug looking black men that are constantly stealing your upgrade mats from you while raping your character's love interest.

"political" or "SJW" devs have absolutely no sense of reality and are unable to think as though they were a different person and none of them are talented enough to craft a story that could resemble real life or the subtleties in it while using dialogue to show the dangers inherent in any tribal thought or behavior.

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No user, that's wrong.

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Zig Forums and the manosphere are the male centrist/rightwing version of this.

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Careful, don't insult them bro they're already 10 hours away from a complete meltdown

Man it'd be wild if Kojimbo was a Trump supporter and told him to suck a D

>Guy who spent 20 years making anti-war media
>Trump supporter
based retard

Politics make games better have you played a single RPG?

He also sucks celeb dick for sustenance and Japs love Trump soooooooooooooooooooooooo

this and unironically

>Do politics really ruin games
When done poorly, yes.
>or are people too thin-skinned nowadays?
Mostly this though. Everyone needs to be offended and complain when something they don't like or agree with is presented. Everything needs to conform to their world view or it becomes the enemy in their eyes. It's been so tiring seeing it happen year after year but this is the world we live in unfortunately.

There is a difference between politics as a plot device in a game and political propaganda in a game. I may be hard for normalfags to understand, because they are NPCs, but it's a subtle, but important difference.

No you fucking retard.
Any villain can have a defensible end goal. Using bad means doesn't automatically condemn their goal, which is their main viewpoint, but it does make them an antagonist that should be stopped.

>hurrr look at this chud complaining about politics, politics have always been in videogames, you right-wind incel nazi bigot
>look at Metal Gear Solid, Final Fantasy VII, Half Life, all these games had politics and you never complained
ok sure, what kind of insight do you have that you think should be discussed or more widely broadcast
>orange man bad
alright fuck off then