Do you trust them now?
Bethesda upgrading engine for elder scrolls
Other urls found in this thread:
>another generation of oblivion junk
gee thanks microsoft
>more band-aids for the Creation (read: Gamebryo) engine
100%, Todd would never lie to us r-rright?
>Do you trust them
Hell no!
Hell yeah, can't wait for gaymebro the fifth
No. Thanks for your question.
If it's the same kind of """update"""" they gave FO4 after Skyrim, I'd rather pass.
UbiArt would be a better choice at this point
What the fuck are you DOING Bethesda
Watch all the ancient bugs appear again. JUST YOU WATCH
I never paid for any of their games so I'll trust them, end product will speak for itself.
Maybe we will get finally get working ladders in vanilla Bethesda game. Man can dream...
Breddy good, now we get FIVE TIMES the bugs!
>took them almost 8 billions to decide to upgrade it
We don't want a fucking update.
We want a new engine. The Creation/Gamebryo engine is Archaic as all fuck and needs to be completely replaced.
>Still won't have working ladders
>upgraded engine
>modding now impossible
>by a factor of five.
So you have 5 people working on an engine now?
You mean Put more bandages on it.
Nobody wants to continue using the fucking Gamebryo engine.
can't wait for all the Starfield ships to be actually NPCs with ship hats!
Literally the worst of both worlds
>still same engine that sucks donkey cock and balls with scripts
>can't put make up over it to make it look better or to coom
So, that's 10 more people working on a shitty engine?
Wow, that's some big news
Upgraded shit is still shit.
If it means modding is still easy, then I'd prefer they stick with it than go to an alternative
If it works for Call of Duty, who has used the Quake Engine since the beginning, it works for Bethesda
The issue is. Modding doesn't mask the garbage gameplay. No matter how much someone tries.
If it ain't broke, don't fix it. FO4 was solid enough.
>he can't coom to donkey cock
We've known this for a while now. Todd had been aggressively hiring engine designers like a year and a half back in the hopes of upgrading elder scrolls 6 onto a new engine.
Did they rename it to Unreal Engine 4, perchance?
They say this every release, naturally there are improvements (mostly graphics) but it's still the same fundamentally shit engine.
lmao you fucking retard
>Before Starfield
So they didn't even do it before Starfield yet? The fuck have they been doing then? ES6 is donna take a decade to come out then.
I think that is more of a game design issue than an engine issue. The problem with BGS is they keep recycling oblivion combat from 2006. It isn't fun it's not new. They are creatively bankrupt or too cheap and lazy to change the game design to make it more interesting. The engine doesn't force them into stupid game design.
I'll wait and see, too early to tell. There's nothing wrong with the Gamebryo/Creation Engine in and of itself, it's all the leftover shit from previous games making it more janky than it has to be. A completely new engine would be preferable, but a complete overhaul would still be pretty good if it's actually a real overhaul.
I would rather have more RPG mechanics (attributes, more skills, spellmaking, etc) than a new engine desu
skyrim runs on the same engine as morrowind
as does fallout 76/fallout 4/oblivion etc.
>Gamebryo v.5
EVEN if they used a brand new engine they would make a buggy piece of shit final game regardless, I think you fags forgot in what state Arena, Daggerfall and Morrowind released
The latest Call of Duty runs on the same engine as the first one
>Do you trust them now?
Keep eating their shit and I'm sure they will notice you. Also, remember the "it's good now" when talking about Fallout 76.
Gotta make sure that DRM system for mods actually works
Modders will finish the game for them (F O R F R E E) anyway, so does it really matter?
so a very small graphical boost and a bunch of removed features, right?
will the new engine finally support spears again? or dare I even say it, LADDERS?
>Bethesda Engine
It's called Gamebyro
This has to be a joke, they can't possibly use Gamebryo AGAIN, like that engine has been outclassed for 10 years now, and they are going to re use it?
how do they expect the game to have decent physics or make use of meme technology like raytracing?
When TES VI releases chances are adding raytracing is going to be a selling point, specially in a game that's catered to modders, there's a huge chance of people adding their waifus with humongous udders, and raytracing is just the cherry on top
no, they actually made a new engine for MW 2019, they used the same one since CoD 4 until Blops 4 though.
they lie about shit all the time, why the fuck would you believe them this time
how many times do you need to get burned before you learn
I don't expect people to keep up with COD but Modern Warfare 2019 ditched id Tech
every game worth playing might as well be considered a non incorporated creative division of Epic Games.
No sweeter revenge.
reminder that
Gamebryo is not the reason the cities are so small
Gamebryo is not the reason there are fewer entities on screen
gamebryo is not the reason for the bugs
>every entity that has an inventory, schedule, etc is equal to 100 random ragdolls in GTAV
>every building you can go inside that is fully furnished with unique interiors along with a quest and an NPC attached is equal to 100 ubisoft/witcher/GTA buildings that are empty boxes with no interior and no story relevance.
>if you drop an item in skyrim it remains there for hours in game and its placement is remembered until it spawns out, in every other open world game these items will despawn immediately and most games don't even apply physics
so why do we hate bethesda for doing their own unique thing that other engines aren't doing?