Here we go again.
These are rail shooters right? Are they any good?
they're bottom of the barrel meme tier short as fuck games, the absolute worst inti creates has to offer
not really desu, kinda basic and repetitive, and the graphics haven't been really updated since the very first release, kinda like senran kagura
It's nice to support them for at least trying to do something a bit different than the hurrf durrf political shooters of the west, but it's far from a masterpiece
Oh mama i love horizontal color partners.
I feels sorry for weebs
I hope gmanlives makes another review.
By the way, the "safety goggles" are meant to be a pair with the "screen cleaner" in the Double Peace LE.
now tranny weebs can have a matching top for their "screen cleaner", fantastic
That's so stupid, why would I clean the screen and use safety googles that stop me from seeing at the same time.
>Cuck Gematsu deleting comments if you say something about playstation
Fucking Sal Romano, he has Sony's dick in his throat way too deep
Wait, so are you meant to wear the safety goggles while wiping your screen with the screen wiper?
I wonder if I should wait and buy those satefy goggles used.
by a guy like the fat fuck with the bib
the weakpoint mechanic is neat but other than that it's just House of the Dead: Anime edition
Any tan girls?
It better come with a birthday suit skin for the characters or I'm calling false advertising
Mfw i used the panty on my puniana.
They now need to release a full life loli doll for the next game
Do you sniff the screen cleaner while fapping with the safety goggles or you do you sniff the safety goggles while fapping with the screen cleaner?
The switch is for kids lol
Someone post that "bib". You know the one.
t. Snoy faggot with his lightbeams.
What's a puriana?
>PC release only after consoles release
i hate it
If you're a nonce they are
google it, faggot
that chinese made "safety goggles" doesn't look that safety or maybe even be toxic
if it doesn't have VR support the PC port can fuck off anyway.
How else will you be able to thank console faggots for beta testing?
Its fun and the devs really care about the game, but its not ground breaking in any way. This is literally the only rail shooter in the market and if you dont mind the type of pandering its good.
Double peace is the best of the bunch but it's still not a good game
It's enjoyable for a couple of runs though
they're retarded but they make twitter seethe so whatever
where the fuck are all the switch zappers
You should know by now Gematsu is a Sonyfag rat nest.
>assholes couldn’t bother creating an article for NMH1+2 ports or really anything announced at the last mini direct
>but woooooo fortnite ps5 details gotta cover that
Bunch of fucking clowns.
looking out for our safety
how nice of them
Did you just now decide to build a pc? It’s always been that faggot.
Funny, I got banned from there for shitting on nintendo