Why do people hate the Halo Infinite pistol?

Why do people hate the Halo Infinite pistol?

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glocks are so fucking ugly bros

Clean or cut your fucking nails, you cave man.

>not the glawk fawty

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Glock knuckle.

Why is a pencil attached to the rifle?

Holy fuck you need to clean your nails.

for me its the fn five seven the most kino handgun

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because it's a modern day weapon in a setting that takes place 500+ years in the future. compare it to the iconic Halo magnum and it looks retardedly out of place.

I'm a leftycuck but god damn handguns are so cool looking

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Some of us have jobs
I wish, had to get the manlet retard cousin because the G20 was out of stock

Because luckily Zig Forums isn't filled with Glockfags

You have enough time to take pictures and shitpost here, you have enough time to wash your hands faggot.

So they can write off your opinion

Because it looks comically oversized in game.

Because halo is a rip off of 40k space marines and halo t. Soi boys cope by using a literal reddit post excuse that 40k ripped of dune also doom is better

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I wish 10mm was more popular

I've worked manual labor and managed to make sure I didn't have the fucking Permain Basin under my nails. Some of us have hygiene standards.

Still a better use of time than whacking off to faggy trap porn like you, I need coconut oil to get this shit off my hands

I'm with you, OP, it's really not that big

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If it were more popular then the rounds would cost more than they already do.

Please delete this.

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What are you even talking about? What was even the point of this thread? Did you want to show off your pea shooter like a woman?

Why the fuck does my space football player have a glock instead of the hand cannon he used to have? It even make the "pop pop pop" sound that sounds just like it's the little shitty 9mm from HL2.

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10mm is a mans bullet that’d snap your girly wrist, dumbass nogunz.
I genuinely want to know why because I like the pistol, BR and shotguns new design

>Yet it's fucking colossal and looks like it should be firing 70 ae

do you have a single straight forward thought in your head or is it all just chaos?


That's how low IQ monkeys "write" and generally communicate. I've done enough shifts with them and now I manage them and it's fascinatingly consistent.