Kancolle thread

Kancolle thread.
Discuss Kantai collection here

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okay, about that Kantai Collection game, Azur Lane is better

Stop being super mad about the tan thing faggot

mm ass

surpassed by chink boats

where did you find this pic of me?

tits too big, too old

user too gay

a website.


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pick one, fubuki OR shimakaze.

Shimakaze, on account of Fubuki being a shit.

only if you post more pits

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too big


Useless titboat.

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I follow him on Twitter, he draws great art but something about the faces just doesn't turn me on.

you're a titboat

>he draws great art but something about the faces just doesn't turn me on.
What do you mean, something about the faces?

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>No global release in spite of meme support from weebs
I'll stick to Azur Lane.

they're just so plain...

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how to get kancolle posting gf(male)?


women with that body type is rare or doesn't exist at all


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>Bremerton fags

Why do you like Bremerton fags and not Bremerton herself?

Because they always deliver

Something about her design is so fucking good. Just like that similar looking bitch from Love Live.

a consistent war on femininity by mankind's ancient enemies

But that's kind of gay

I love her outfit, pleated mini-skirts are my weakness

Never played the game but the doujins are top tier

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Where are the curves

I miss my shipgirls. Haven't logged in years

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Potatoes can't be this sexy.

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But they're not

Potatoes can't be sexy.

but you are

wait a minute that pool...


Isn't that where your scene was?

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