Was it really that bad?

Was it really that bad?

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Nah its great and provides a lot of much needed QoL imporvements. The only real problem is the clutch claw, which hopefully will be removed in Rise. Even then, autists complain yet still have hundreds of hours poured into it.

once you've played one mh you've played them all

It's the best MH so far. Don't let the BiBiWas convince you otherwise.

it was copy paste to high hell
you'd have to be a literal drone to like it

This is also very very true i only kept playing MH for the cool monsters which MHW turned into all some form of wyverian/reptile based
there are som acceptions but even then the acceptions aren't even good acceptions as there are still some form of wyvern in them

Good qol and the controls aren't as clunky, but the rest is genuinely shit. I couldn't stomach it anymore after how quick the Nergigante hunt went.

No, it was too good.

The shittiness of MH is part of the appeal

>literally frontier with the most god awful weapons and armors designs
it’s shit

It sure is programmed like shit.

It's a great game, I'm guessing naysayers got filtered by one monster or another. Fatalis seethe?

Fuck fatalis gear anyway it's for pussies.

No. Anyone can find some amount of enjoyment out of it. It is still very much the core concept of MonHun even if some things are mechanically different to past games. Arguably its biggest issue is the lack of more monster skeletal types as that would have added a lot more variety to the game. I would have happily paid for a few more expansions that added a reasonable amount of those even if it didn't have story elements.

Wtf, it's the best monhun so far

No it was a huge success and a right step for the franchise. It had something like mantles and CC that don't need to return or should be heavily tweaked if they do, but otherwise it was great.

Mantles were an awful decision. So was the clutch claw and being able to move while healing.

Also the trickle feed of content made the progression a mess. If you started the game today you would reach Master Rank without fighting a number of monsters in High Rank and not even having many of aforementioned shit items (mantles,etc) unlocked because they never balanced the games progression.

Not to mention the time restricted content.

It casualized the series

i hate the clutch claw and the controls

remove clutch claw
remove mantles
boom there I fixed it, best MH ever

Doesn't this get said with every new MH released?

I really don't get the multiplayer. I got used to it, but could they really not let players see each other in the hub areas, and did they really have to make joining each other on story assignments so damn annoying?

It's a good game but ruined the franchise for introducing it to normies.

I forgot about there not being seperate village and hub quests as well. Ducking stupid

Nope. Has the best combat in the series.

>being able to move while healing
this isn't as much of a drawback as you make it sound, it's not like you instantly restore a certain amount of health once you finish chugging the potion, it's progressive and you can still be interrupted by the slightest thing, even getting tripped by another player will make your potion go to waste

no :>

it led to Rise's absolutely disgusting instant heal on the move potions

It brought in the cawadooty crowd.

But WHY get rid of chug 'n flex? It was iconic.

They heal the exact same as World, but 50% fills up instant and the other half fills up much slower to compensate.

Trump won. Get over it.

I don't remember when or where I saw it but Rise is kind of in between, you restore a small amount when you start drinking and the rest is over time

Max Potions are also potions user.

It wasn't on a nintendo platform so I hate it.

Why do I remember cooking all the time in MH4U but not even cooking twice in World? Did they change stamina? Disclaimer: I was kinda dogshit at 4. My hunts took almost the full time even though I beat all missions through G

>look at the score right now
>biden is at 209, trump at 118
it's very unlikely that trump will win this one

Stamina starts to deplete around the 15 minute mark in world

World had rations which could be consumed far faster than cooked meat. Even before Iceborne made ancient potions easier to get and gave us fatalis armor, there was no reason to eat meat over rations.

You're completely safe while chugging. You lose out on some healing if you cancel early but it's better than letting a monster get a hit in.


We won't know until Friday. The key states PA/WI/MI aren't going to report till Thursday at the earliest.