Watch Dogs: Legion (2020)
Watch Dogs: Legion (2020)
STALKER: Clear Sky (2008)
You can tell this was rushed to hell.
what are you even getting at you cockbreath commie motherfucker
nothing, I just wanted to shitpost on Zig Forums because my life is too boring
t. never saw a uk building irl
UK? Legion is set in London, capital of New Pakistan
how did we go backwards
how did we find ourselves here
oh yeah that's right consoles
So, the sourcecode got leaked, whatchu guys thinkin when we will get the crack ?
Retard London is in United Kingdom
Is this unmodded? Looks really neat. The bump maps on those brick wall textures are all fucked up for me in SoC for some reason.
reminder that Far Cry 6 is being developed by the same developer, because Montreal is making AC:V
I should replay it once again.
How many Watch Dogs games are there now? I didn't even know Legion was a thing until it dropped like last week.
oh fuck it really does
lol then Far Cry is fucked too
what the fuck is Montreal doing? They have like 5 teams.
They used to develop AC, WD, Far Cry and Siege at the same time
Yeah, this is vanilla version
They've prioritized diversity and social justice in their hiring practices
literally 3
i'm not pirating this turd
the only reason why I pirate games is to see If my PC can run them before I buy them, because I´m not gonna waste 50€ for a game I cant even play
That's because SOC is a 2001-2003 game that had some bonuses haphazardly slapped on for a long-delayed and still horrendously cut down 2007 release.
>Pirate game
>It runs perfectly and you are able to play it
>Delete it
>Buy the game
>Redownload it
updates and free content
waiting for a scene group to crack fucking game updates is retarded
why would you redownload it?
>light melee weapon; yoyo
>can do parkour
>steal money from people with phone
>can call the police or a gang on someone
>comes with a ranged non lethal weapon
This guy is crazy.
is this original UI of Clear Sky or mod?
i played only shadow of chernobyl and call of prypiat
American riots during presidential election 2020
and best of all, he's a nigger!
STALKER is a better game because of some wall textures! Great point you've made, user!
Here's your next gen AAA game performance.