I just learned that "Among Us" (which I have never played) is just that stupid normalfag "mafia" game (which I have also never played) all the normalfags talked about in high school
I just learned that "Among Us" (which I have never played) is just that stupid normalfag "mafia" game (which I have...
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She was the three-breasted hooker in Total Recall.
Daym, she cute.
Holy shit you're right
>you don't want to be around these consoles with that drink
Then why is there a fucking food replicator in main engineering
So it is just town of salem?
actually it's even worst, some how they managed to dumb that down too.
not that OP would know, he's never been invited to play "normie games," probably an acute case of kissless virgin
There are a few offices in main engineering that got a little bit of screen time. Also it could just be a general replicator for tools you might need for a job and making coffee is just a piece of piss when you can poop out tricorders.
btw that bald guy was in that star trek: picard tv show
no, but he was in oblivion
hahaha. i bet if he had 9 friends to play it with, he'd actually have a lot of fun
People in the future are idiots, then. An office can and probably should have its own replicator. A replicator right next to the main console and warp core can and definitely should have its replication functions limited to work supplies and only supply food in emergency situations.
it's just trouble in terrorist town
I too watch RLM
I really really like startrek TNG. I recently downloaded the entire star trek series and movies and have just been marathoning through them. Shit is so kino I love it.
I usually have star trek on a permanent loop running in the background. From TOS to ENT and then restart the loop.
is ENT worth watching? I watched a lot of the Stargate TV show and its later entries were pretty dog compared to the original. It has given me some trust issues.
It's probably better than Voyager, which I'll skip
t. finishing up DS9 (the best so far)
>computer, load "riker gravy enema gamma delta 01"
farscape >>>>>>> star trek
>disengage safety protocols
Where does this Riker loves gravy thing come from, anyway?
In my univeristy there's both a water dispenser and a vending machine right next to the door to the lab, so it's possible for idiots to take water or drinks and bring them in the lab, even if obviously there's a big "no water or drinks allowed in the lab" warning sign on the door.
The dispenser and vending machine are there for people who pass by or are coming out of the lab.
>people in the future are idiots
this is a common logic misconception that places people of the future on a pedestal higher than ours in terms of intelligence/stupidity, but there's no real reason to assume that 200-300 years from now, or even thousands years from now, people will suddenly be less stupid: stupid decisions will always be made, stupid designs will always exist, dumb people will always exist, no matter how much our technology evolves
What would you do in this predicament?
DS9 >>> TNG >>> Voyager
Are there any others worth watching excluding Picard? I tried a couple episodes of the original, but it was extremely boring.
>my physically 12 year old but mentally adult wife asks for physical intimacy
Fuck her
I'm in a similar boat, i want more ST, but apparently i've already watched it all and picard is all i'm left with
There are several episodes of TOS worth watching. And of course the movies.
>tfw no clumsy mexican ensign gf
>but there's no real reason to assume that 200-300 years from now, or even thousands years from now, people will suddenly be less stupid: stupid decisions will always be made, stupid designs will always exist, dumb people will always exist, no matter how much our technology evolves
It's reasonable to assume in the star trek universe that humans would be smarter from genetic manipulation. They eliminated nearly all genetic defects and have the ability to increase intelligence with genetic manipulation, although it may have been illegal to increase intelligence in the episode that showed it, that doesn't mean it wouldn't still be wide spread.
>rates DS9 as best
Babylon 5 is for you.
Picard honestly wasn't bad, but it's only just started, so I can't binge it like the rest.
Care to point them out? I watched the one where they awakened the frozen superhumans to get some context on the Eugenics Wars, but the actual plot to the episode was extremely basic and dull.
Have you watched TOS films?
Does it have deep and intriguing social commentary while having extremely comfy filler at the same time?
I don't know if I'd call it deep but it makes a lot of social commentary. Lots of comfy filler.
is the star trek VR game any good? I wouldn't mind a telltale game style star trek game, or a star trek game where you can walk around the enterprise and just chat with the crew while doing side missions and ocasnally going to some planet for missions. Maybe with dating sim elements.
I have not, only the TNG ones. I was under the impression that I had to watch the show first to understand what was going on.
Good enough for me.
intelligence and smartness aren't the same thing
intelligence can increase with time(what students learnn today in grade school is way more advanced than what military people knew centuries ago), smartness however does not.
People in the future can come up with intelligent ways to eliminate genetic defects, increase intelligence, and generally being more intelligent(like my example earlier, most of what academy cadets in ST learn in their early 20s is way mre advanced than our current best understanding of quantum mechanics and physics), but that won't increase smartness.
As i said, stupid people/designs/concepts/decisions will always happen/exist, a person can be extremely intelligent, even the most intelligent ever, and still be incredibly stupid.