Why aren't there more? There is definitely a market for centaurs (me) but I rarely see them outside of ASSFAGGOTS and I'm sick of those.
Playable Centauroids In Video Games
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Because animating them is aids
Shinning force is an underrated series
Too much extra work.
It's basically 2 in 1, and animating their walk cycles is a terror.
I do animation and If you paid me triple to animate one I'd still refuse.
horse pussy
Lmao stop sucking at animation
It's not about "sucking", projects are all about cost management and when a single character is so much work and headaches is usually not worth it.
Not to mention shit like cutscenes, how odd they look standing near regular humanoid characters, etc.
As bosses or NPCs? Maybe.
Playable? No way
You just need autistic levels of obsessive dedication to do it
Shame taur connoisseurs are few and far between
Oh so you're just a nigger furry then, got it. Do us a favor and kill yourself
centaurs are for autistic furries
Will do in a couple of years :)
Any kind of "taur" is fucking stupid and probably one of the worst things in fantasy. I hate them, they don't make any sense, and any setting is worse by having them in it. Have fucking furry animal people on two legs or have them on four with no arms, but having six limbs, two torsos, and a fucking tail is the stupidest goddamn shit in the whole fucking world. You niggers that like them need to jump down a well and get forgotten.
probably not interested since you just want to fuck horse pussy but a steef is cool too
>stranger's wrath sequel never ever
Let's not fool ourselves.
>new oddworld never ever
Never said I was
My family's been trying to get rid of a centaur painting for ages and so far I hadn't come across a taurfag to sell it to.
take a picture of it maybe I'll buy it
meh, I want Fangus Klott
Go and complain about it to Greeks.
Too bad I don't have it anywhere close
man I fucking wish we had more, more centaurs, more driders, more arachnes etc etc
really, I just wish most rpg would let us pick something else than fucking humanoids with different skin colors and maybe horns
how is it different from monsters and horses you faggot
if you can animate a horse, you can animate a centaur, what the fuck are you on about
Can you describe it at least?
damn that's neat
Sphinxes are human head only, no torso or arms.
>take animal
>cut off head and attach half an anime girl
Wtf do white people really??
they are if you're a fag
Based lazy dev making sure we only have humans but green/pointy eared/midget in games