Last thread died.
No More Heroes
Killer Marathon sucks
>Randomly goes invincible without any tells
It's okay, it's just Suda' s vision
Are these games playable on Dolphin? I have a DS4 for the motion shit also.
All these threads are making me want to finish the playthrough I started last year.
You need a wiimote, I've never seen it properly emulate with a controller. You don't need a bar, just connect the wiimote directly to bluetooth.
Is it just me or can you not reflect Bad Girl's gimps back at her anymore?
Is TSA good solo, or is it better with a friend?
Nigga it's supposed to be a samurai battle. You react to her attacks, you don't initiate.
Come to my house, I'll play it with you :)
It's fine solo but better with a friend obviously.
I couldn't beat it so props to anyone that could
>Killer Marathon sucks
You're either low level or too slow which is it? Killer Marathon is fantastic.
I love this timeline where we get to ride another wave of people playing No More Heroes for the first time, SUDA threads are max comfy and there's still NMH3 on the horizon, so this isn't even the end of it.
Suda is such a based human being. Everything I read about him just makes me respect the hell out of him more and more. Thank Christ I was lucky enough to actually meet him and got him to sigh my copy of NMH1 and his Grasshopper art book, despite the language barrier he is 100% a super chill guy.
Would posting a short webm of this encounter be uncouth? He's just so damn adorable
>NOOOO you can't criticize a Suda game! Everything he puts out is a flawless masterpiece and if you don't like any aspect then you're just a shitter who can't git gud!
Do it. Based as fuck
What do you guys think is next for Grasshopper?
NMH3 is probably 80-90% done.
Hotel Barcelona is a very small scale project.
The Flower, Sun and Rain remake will not be made in house at GhM.
Do you guys think Nintendo is going to work with them again? Another publisher? Or they'll try to self publish a new game?
They're working on Let It Die 2 probably and something else
Name one Samurai in real life who randomly turned on their invincibility preferably one from 1200 to 1355.
Yes I do own the Wii versions, I want to play them on Switch but I don’t want to do it digitally.
I'd love a proper return to the Kill The Past games and seeing the old cast back, like Big Dick, Tetsu, Sumio, Tokio, Kuroyanagi and the others.
Sadly, I don't know if that could possibly get financed. Maybe if they participate in another game.
I thought Supertrick was handling Let It Die going forward?
I would think a 26th Ward game could be financed from GhM's portion of NMHIII sales. I can't imagine those cost much.
You got it
He really liked the shirt I was wearing, which was the schematic and guts of an Nintendo 64, the man loves games through and through
We gotta get them to make a KtP/Sudaverse fighting game
That way they can stack the roster with 5 Sumios and Kamuis
Who are you maining if that drops Zig Forums?
Is it wrong to find Jeanne cool?
Her design really speaks to me, but I haven't gotten to her fight yet so I'm only basing my opinion off her design.
What did Suda mean by hiding a shitload of money and T shirts in the garbage bin
My life goal is to meet him at some point. I didn't get to go to Momocon last year because I had to adopt a dog and it was canceled this year.
Charging up the beam katana does not. Get. Old.
Bring back Lily Bergamo and make her into an IP.
Nothing wrong with that, every No More Heroes girl seems to ooze cool, can't say there's a badly designed one in the bunch.
wholesome as fuck. love that user
jeanes design was top tier. bring her back travis! use crazy alien tech!
The Monkey's Paw curls...
Let it Die 2 announced instead
I'm fully expecting a Let It Die 2. There's easy money to be made for next gen
I'm rank 2 now, just farming the gamble fight to get the mk III, It's been a sweet ride playing this again. Better than I remember to be honest. Not sure if I'm gonna play again on bitter or jump into 2. Is there NG+ ? I can't remember
holly was the best
How is this game without motion controls?
Punks dumpster dive a lot
I honestly would love it. If they included more KtP stuff and fix the F2P bullshit, Let it Die 2 would be perfect.
Honestly the game just needs more story/character interactions.
Average as hell without motion controls.
It works.
I see. Was just considering if would be worth bothering playing it handheld at all. If I'm gonna play it, I'll be sure to play it docked and with motion controls.
It seems fine?
I originally played until I beat Shinobu on the wii and i'm going back on the switch port and the game seems easier with standard controls? Either that or I'm just better at action games since I beat DMC3
>Let It Die 2
Did Sony fund any of that? Ninjala pulled retardedly large numbers that dwarfed LiD in a much shorter time. Would Gungho try to include Switch this time in addition to PS4/5/PC? LiD 1 was on UE3.x which wasn't compatible while UE4 is.
Yeah its really weird how all the character designs are really nice, but you don't get to hear what they have to say too much. I love Momoko and her obsession with shrooms
>final boss of TSA samples those fucked up cold war radio signals of unknown origin.
I bet they're dead man's switch signals from decades past.
I don't think anyone beats DMC3 and doesn't come out better at action games.
I haven't played NMH since release on the Wii, but almost exclusively play my Switch in handheld mode so I'm trying it. Like I said, it works, but it feels weird. Once I unlock bitter I'm going back to docked with motion.