>pandering to coomers
Pandering to coomers
You say that like it's a bad thing
Absolutelym egabased
>pandering to coomers
Friendly reminder that if you are a coomer, your mother will die in her sleep tonight
>pandering to coomers
thats a good thing you faggot
get woke go broke you retarded sjw
poor atelier
how low has fallen to pander to coomers so their shit gets relevant
That bitch had it cuming
i wish i was that shirt
Join the 41% already
>patrician coomers
How long until >Not available on PS4/5
Is that why her game sold millions leaving you prudes out in the shitter?
Is the combat different than in 1? I didn't like how it was in real time, and I'll play 2 if it has turn based
Worst part?
She's 16 and they're sexualizing her.
She's a child.
Something about Ryza feels so wholesome
heres your gauranteed (You)
>She's a child.
Oh no. That's terrible.
same shit
Isn't she like 20something?
Is it worth the pre order coomtricians? I never played the first one
Why do you retards keep bumping a low quality bait thread
cute cuni!
Will she have her outfit from the first game?
Isn't the series for little girls
Wait sorry what? What game is this?
Are these alternate costume DLCs?
If I can play as THAT then I will literally, unsarcastically, unambiguously, unironically purchase your game right fucking now holy shit
She's a cartoon
It literally says in the image you FUCKING retard.
Fuck off gate keeping nigger
(You) farmers should be hanged
Fuck I absolutely love the right one
Damn, oh well
Literal coomer vision in action here folks
Where does it say alternate costume? This could be some cheap ass T-shirt special edition pre-order shit for all I fucking know, you tunnel vision'd faggot ass mongrel unironically kys
>She's a child.
good, now get the fuck out faggot
You are quite literally nine games too late for this complaint. It's what saved Atelier.
Kill yourself.