Pandering to coomers

>pandering to coomers

Attached: 719oUASz-1L._SL1080_.jpg (1080x1080, 142.33K)

You say that like it's a bad thing

Absolutelym egabased

>pandering to coomers

Friendly reminder that if you are a coomer, your mother will die in her sleep tonight

>pandering to coomers
thats a good thing you faggot

get woke go broke you retarded sjw

Attached: faggot.gif (150x148, 996.38K)

poor atelier
how low has fallen to pander to coomers so their shit gets relevant

That bitch had it cuming

i wish i was that shirt

Join the 41% already

>patrician coomers

How long until >Not available on PS4/5

Is that why her game sold millions leaving you prudes out in the shitter?



Is the combat different than in 1? I didn't like how it was in real time, and I'll play 2 if it has turn based

Worst part?

She's 16 and they're sexualizing her.

She's a child.

Something about Ryza feels so wholesome

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heres your gauranteed (You)

>She's a child.

Attached: 1589841516972.jpg (706x703, 218.7K)

Oh no. That's terrible.

Attached: sk_oppai_lolis.png (1000x1000, 551.74K)

same shit

Isn't she like 20something?

Is it worth the pre order coomtricians? I never played the first one

Why do you retards keep bumping a low quality bait thread

cute cuni!

Will she have her outfit from the first game?

Isn't the series for little girls


Attached: buyryza.png (1080x1834, 2.45M)

Wait sorry what? What game is this?
Are these alternate costume DLCs?

If I can play as THAT then I will literally, unsarcastically, unambiguously, unironically purchase your game right fucking now holy shit

Attached: 1603739361047.png (931x952, 451.63K)

She's a cartoon

It literally says in the image you FUCKING retard.

Fuck off gate keeping nigger

(You) farmers should be hanged

Fuck I absolutely love the right one

Damn, oh well

Literal coomer vision in action here folks

Where does it say alternate costume? This could be some cheap ass T-shirt special edition pre-order shit for all I fucking know, you tunnel vision'd faggot ass mongrel unironically kys

>She's a child.
good, now get the fuck out faggot

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You are quite literally nine games too late for this complaint. It's what saved Atelier.

Kill yourself.

Attached: Coomer Discord.png (2452x1496, 1.06M)