Aside from all the flaws that are commonly assosiated with DS2, am I the only one that notices that the controls and the general game feel is worse than in DS1?
The controls feel more steef, like the game has less input buffer. The sound effects for walking and attacking also make the game feel worse, but that could just be me
Aside from all the flaws that are commonly assosiated with DS2...
>it's another thread where people hate dark souls 2 without being able to point out a single flaw
"uh it's floaty?" isn't a flaw.
The horrendous hitboxes (far worse than the ones in DS1) are an objective flaw and not even worth discussing.
Don't make me summon the webm poster
Friendly reminder that Dark Souls fans played the series for the lore and atmosphere and therefore any criticism they may have about another videogame (even a Souls game) from a gameplay standpoint can and should be ignored.
It's not just you, they fucked with the physics and the addition of agility doesn't help.
It always feels like you and the enemies are sliding around on ice.
How can I express my enjoyment of 2 without coming off as a contrarian faggot?
That flaw IS commonly associated with DS2. It's the main reason the game sucks. I can get past everything else, but the game feels like shit to play.
Just do it. 2 has it's virtues. I will just never understand people that consider it better than 3, let alone the best in the series
Just say what you like about it.
Even most of us who complain about it and put it and put it at the bottom of tier lists still enjoy it.
It's my least favorite soulsgame and I still have hundreds of hours and multiple playthroughs in it. It had some really out there ideas and enemy mechanics they implemented after 1 and the DLC levels are seriously impressive in their design.
The atmosphere being fucked by the shitty sound effects and the atrocious lighting downgrade is the main reason I can't go back to DS2
Thanks. I haven't played 3 yet but looking to form my own view. I still like 1 the best overall but I enjoy the DLC in 2 almost as much.
I said they were worse than in DS1, not 3
And those are clipping issues, not hitbox ones
ds1 sure looks different
there's no hitstop, which goes a long way to make attacks feel satisfying
That's a pretty common view
>there's no hitstop
Not sure what you mean
Which is better/worse: original 2 with all DLC or sotfs overhaul version?
they're not perfect but they're mostly fine. better than 3, at any rate.
vanilla ds2 is the closest to objectively bad the series ever got.
sotfs looks better, feels better, plays better. I can't imagine why anyone would bother with vanilla now that sotfs exists.
>feels better, plays better.
say what now?
How does it not? They fixed a lot of the bullshit in level design and enemy tracking.
Locking on and the direction where you attack feels weird in dark souls 2 or is it just me?
sotfs throws a bunch of new enemies and red phantoms in some areas to make the game harder, when the difficulty was never one of the game's issues.
That dragon in heide's tower is a roadblock that keeps you from a major covenant for much later in the game and shrine of amana was a zone that was hard as nails as it was
Honestly I prefer vanilla plus DLC
Yes, the horrible feeling controls and animations are why it stands out so much among DeS, 1,3, BB, Sekiro. I do like the DaS2 to some extent, but you'd have to be blind to ignore this.
What's a good weapon for a hexer?
I'm tempted to keep the flaming sword you find at the beggining as it has a nice moveset, but it feels too generic
"its floaty"
I prefer my games gidderies. If it doesnt feel punchy or giddery i dont play it. It has to be more coarse than bumfy, not so slippy or chikorita
A lot of SotFS areas feel as if they just gave up and opted for braindead Dynasty Warriors design.
Yeah I honestly love SOTFS and dislike vanilla but goddamn that fucking dragon placement is infuriating and he's as bullshit as the hellkite dragon
"It's floaty" as in it feels similar to VTMB's controls
Which level specifically can you explain is worse in sotfs?
I haven't played through vanilla since launch so maybe I'm forgetting but I can't think of one.
I'll be honest. I just held on to that and an infused falchion I found later on. The one and only time I ever beat fume knight was with my hexer but I ended up stripping naked and two handing that longsword. Took me 3 days. I kinda suck.
>mentions Das1
>posts DaS3
I want to know why DaS2 fags bring up 3 every chance they get. Its starting to get concerning.
Am I a casul if I don't play while in the covenant of champions?
I still fucking love DaS2 over the others
Can someone explain to me WHY from opted to change humanity from 1 to "human effigies" in 2 and then "embers" in 3?
Why didn't they just keep the humanity system? Seeing that number go up and knowing it's having an effect on your character is great and it gives another reason to try and go back to where you died and get your stuff.
After 1 it just felt so pointless on a story and mechanical level.
hitstop is just a very brief freeze that occurs whenever you land an attack
while brief it really can be noticeable, smack something with a sword in ds, then in ds2 and you should feel the difference